Human Resources Management

Module Code & Title: HRM3108M – Human Resources Management

Contribution to Final Module Mark: 50%

 Description of Assessment Task:
Your task is to analyse the case and write a 2,000 word (+/-10%) report focusing on the ‘Organisation’.

For the purposes of the assessment, you have been brought in to assess the Organisation’s failings when addressing the unique circumstances surrounding Kate. Your task is to critically evaluate the contribution of HRD to the recruitment, retention, and performance processes highlighted throughout the case.

Your report will evaluate ways the Organisation and Union could have maintained a positive employee relations environment throughout this scenario, while also addressing the role of HR in appropriately managing diversity in the Organisation.

Recommendations for learning and development across the Organisation are required. Your report should make use of images, models/frameworks, and appendices where appropriate. Justify your arguments using academically appropriate resources.

 Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO4                Evaluate the contribution of HR Development to the recruitment, retention, and performance management processes.

LO5                Critically examine ways of maintaining a positive Employee Relations climate.

LO6                Analyse the role of HR in managing diversity in the organisation.