Artistic expression #2

Cubism, as innovated by artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, “combined a large range of viewpoints,” placing an emphasis on the geometry of a subject and showing it from multiple perspectives. The result is a fractured image across the canvas (Phillips pg. 38). For your second artistic expression exercise, you will create a self-portrait in the cubist style.

This assignment features two components.

Portrait – Complete a Cubist-style self-portrait! You may use paints, color crayons or pencils, pastels, etc. It must be completed on an 8 1/2″ x 11″ piece of paper. Submit a picture of your self-portrait, along with a picture of yourself — the subject.

Essay – Having completed your self-portrait, write a 500 word essay about your process. What was your inspiration? What led you to make your artistic decision(s)? What are your overall feelings towards cubism?