When virtual world shape our social relationship and behavior

The aim of this research is to identify the different level of identity identification within a cyberspace environment considering the implication of social motivation between consumer and virtual representation of identity : avatar. In addition, the author is also going to examine the various psychological and social alteration procuring the virtual representation of individual through virtual encounter.

Research questions

I- Cyber identity shaping societal relationship
1.How does the meaning of cyberspace has evolve through the ages?

2.What is the relationship between self and cyber self, «real me» and «virtual me» ?
2.1 How social media and virtual world. and group influence helped to define Generation Z ?

3.How the relation ship between human and technology impact identity representation ?

II- Individual identity representation within a virtual universe
1. What are the main theories used to understand the impact of Avatar representation toward individual identity

2. Which psychological mechanism influence in-game behavorial ?

2.1 How the visual characteristics and traits of an avatar are associated with specific behavioural ?

2.2 What are the different self-representation of an individual into the virtual world ?

III- 3. How virutal environment will extent our virtual perception and interaction ?
How avatar and physical world will contribute to build future personalities ?

3. How virtual environment will extent individual identity representation ?
How the immersive technologies will contribute to interact with consumers ?

How avatar and physical world create to build future personalities ?