• Item 1: Look on Linked-In to find a Job Description (JD) of any position of your choice and compare it to see if it has all 4 sections noted below.  Your goal is to identify how the JD you find on Linked-In for a position compares (identify similarities and differences of the JD w.r.t the 4 sections noted below). Provide a link to the source.

–Section 1: Job title

–Section 2: Job summary

–Section 3: Job duties

–Section 4: Worker specifications

  • Item 2: Create a job description on your own for any one position in the Human Resources Department (Make sure to include Job Title, Job Summary, Job Duties, Worker Specifications).  You may look up for help on Occupational Information Network (O*Net) to find a Job Description that conforms to the 4 sections identified in the above bullet. Provide a link to the source.  When clicked on the link, the JD should come up.  Here are couple of links to try: www.onetonline.org/  or http://online.onetcenter.org