Individual Reflection Report

The aim of the reflective writing submission is to reflect on the team working experience undertaken throughout this module. The report will afford you the opportunity to discuss your team experiences and should have the following key components within your report;

1. Critical reflections upon individual performances within the group during the module; discussions should include but are not limited to, communications, leadership, trust and conflict resolution (300 words)

2. Reflect on core competencies related to team working, use your discipline related professional bodies guidelines i.e., RIBA, CIAT, CIOB, RICS (400 words)

3. Submit minutes of your group meetings and reflect on the experience of chairing YOUR group meeting. It is the intention that each group member will chair a group meeting (400 words) These minutes must be substantial charting the week number and stage of the project. Identification needs to be made as to what was agreed by whom, completion dates, identifying persons responsible for the task