Mandatory health insurance

Over the course of the last few units, you have been working on crafting the argument for your Argument Essay. You will now write an argument essay that answers one of
these questions.

The essay should answer ONE of these questions:

1. Should free speech be regulated on social media?

2. Should health insurance be mandatory for all American citizens?

3. Should Americans be required to complete some form of national service?

Each of the above questions relate to one of the issues you have already written about in the Unit 4 Assignment: Pro and Con of an Issue and through your Unit 5 Assignment: Argument Essay Introduction. Now, continue to build on that Argument Essay introduction to develop your full argument essay. Remember that the Argument Essay needs to focus on one side of this issue.

You should answer ONE of the above questions in a wellthought out and developed argument essay with:
A clear introduction that sets up the issue, explains your topics, and ends with your thesis statement.

Body paragraphs focusing on one topic in support of your argument in each paragraph.

o You need three reliable and academic sources for this assignment in support of your argument. You should include evidence that is directly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized to support each topic. The evidence should have appropriate intext citations.

o You will typically want to include one piece of evidence in the body of each paragraph, as you did in the paragraph and pro/con assignment. You are not required to include a source about the counterargument (other side of your argument), but you may if you would like.

Then, end with a conclusion that wraps up your essay’s argument and leaves the reader with something to consider about your issue.