Mini Grant

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide the graduate level nursing student with experience designing a local, community-based, health promotion program for a designated vulnerable population. The program will be designed to improve a selected health outcome based on one or more of the Healthy People 2020 objectives. The student will become familiar with the Request for Proposal (RFP) process that is used in funding grants for community projects.

Mini Grant Assignment Components

Part 1: Part 1 includes: the Introduction, Program Significance, Background, and a review of the Evidence. In addition to the first four segments of the mini-grant proposal, you will be submitting an annotated bibliography. It is expected that you will perform a library search using the APUS library. Simply performing a Google search, will not be sufficient for this assignment.

The bibliography. Use sources provided for the required 5 scholarly articles from peer reviewed journals for the annotated bibliography. The articles should be research articles from within the past five years, that support your grant topic. Mini Grant Assignment Components

The bibliography should contain 5 scholarly articles from peer reviewed journals. The articles should be research articles from within the past five years, that support your grant topic.

Part 2:
Part 2 includes: the HP 2020 objective, the level of prevention the proposal addresses, the behavioral change model/strategy that will be used, and the community partners and key stakeholders that will help to make the program a success.