A Framework to Support Transparency in Practice. based on a NMC hearing incident

Summative Assessment guidance

 Part 1: Written reflective report 2000 words (50% weighting)


Reflective model;

Use a reflective model of your choice – briefly state your rationale for the chosen model rather than another and state why you found it useful in the context of reflecting on clinical incidents. Discussing the significance of reflecting on incidents can be included in this section.

Using headings of the model may help with the structure your account but this is not mandatory.


The Introduction should present a clear sign post of the issues to be discussed. The chosen incident needs to be clearly identified. Confidentiality needs to be addressed for the client, the Organisation and any members of staff you have made reference to. It is advised that you limit the introduction to about 250 words (word allocations are a guide only).

Main report: allocate 1500 words approximately

If you are looking for further headings to use in your reflective report you could use the following to guide the critical incident analysis.

  • Description of the incident- be succinct
  • Who managed/led the incident? In particular the escalation
  • What were the outcomes of the incident: for the client/baby
  • Client involvement?
  • How has the incident affected your practice: what have you learned?

Most incidents happen for a reason: include in your discussion

  • Can be human failure
  • Systems failure
  • Mitigating circumstances.

How the incident was managed and how was it escalated/reported?

  • Why report incidents & barriers to reporting: blame culture/fair culture
  • Reporting through Risk management discuss and analyse in the context of incidents
  • Were statements requested/the significance of statement writing. Perhaps link to your -contractual/professional responsibility?
  • Was there round table-and root cause analysis: discuss its significance
  • How did you learn from it-was there debriefing, if not why not? Significance of such.
  • Was there an opportunity to discuss with named mentor, -if not why not, if yes, what did you learn from that?


The analysis section is really important to argue your points using words such as however, nevertheless on the other hand and whereas.  Decide what particular points of the incident you will analyse, tell the marker why you have chosen those aspects-might be because it had the greatest impact on clients care and your learning. Support with appropriate references: citing research papers where possible is essential.

Action plan as part of your reflective report:

Your action plan is about what you intend to do in future-verbs should be used, always put a timeframe on when you hope to achieve them and always say how you will evaluate them-perhaps your cohort supervisor in clinical practice may help with evaluation..

Conclusion: allocate 250 words approximately

Ensure you have a conclusion that brings all the points of your reflective account together- relating it to learning and to your practice. Include references in your conclusion. Relate your points to theory and to the reality of practice and always to the client involved in the incident No new material should be introduced in your conclusion.


Pay attention to your references- and use the Harvard system- a copy placed beside you as write may be helpful.  Choose up to date references (within ten years). Avoid secondary referencing when possible as you cannot always check the original and are relying on interpretation by others.  Avoid the use of too many direct quotes too as their impact will be reduced. Indicate the relevance of each direct quote if used within the text. Direct quotes should not be a substitute for your own opinion.  Strive to find literature to support your analysis. Please cross check that all your references in your assignment appear here in full.