Planning for Instruction – Exceptional Learners

Assignment Content

Imagine your learning team members are the resource teachers at an elementary school and responsible for students in grades 2 through 5. This year the grade-level teachers at the school have decided to share their lesson plans with your team so that you are aware of the student’s classroom instruction. Your team is responsible for redesigning the lesson plans to meet the needs of the students in your special education classrooms.

For the sake of maintaining consistency in planning, the lead Special Education teacher has gathered some lesson plans from other sources for the team to evaluate. This will help the team in determining the essential components of an effective lesson plan and how to redesign appropriately.

Using the Evaluation Matrix, evaluate each lesson plan for each grade level provided.

Note: There will be an Evaluation Matrix completed for each lesson plan.

Redesign one lesson plan per grade level, and include the following components when redesigning:

  • Introduction to lesson to that makes appropriate connections
  • Instructions that scaffold learning progression
  • Specific accommodations to address the needs of at least 2 exceptionalities with justifications to support
  • Engagement or motivation strategies
  • Technology tools that promote the following:
  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Construction of content knowledge

A formative and summative assessment

Summarize the major changes made to each lesson plan, and explain why they were made. Insert this summary at the beginning of each redesigned lesson plan.

Submit the following for your team assignment:

  • One Evaluation Matrix for each lesson plan
  • One redesigned lesson plan for each grade level with summary of changes included