Public Health TOPIC: Health advocacy, everyday healthy habits, creating equitable access to children in k-12 and adults)

Impacting education or the broader society in the Los Angeles county.

The purpose of this assignment is to research a systemic social or environmental injustice issue in Public Health

TOPIC: Health advocacy, everyday healthy habits, creating equitable access to children in k-12 and adults) impacting education or the broader society in the Los Angeles county.


Explaining and Justifying the Issue [2 pages]:

What is the issue?

What are the structural factors that cause this issue?

Who/what/where does it impact?

What are the key concepts and their definitions related to this issue?

What are the consequences if this issue is not addresses, and why does it need to change?

What are some possible gaps in service with regards to the particular issue(s)? 


Reference/Bibliography/ Additional resources Section [1 page]:

Should include at least five key academic sources that support answering the questions above.

Additionally, should include four additional resources/ media where people can find more information on this topic.