Reimagining the news: proposal to create a news app for blind and deaf people

o Include guiding principles that state the values, ethics and practice of your forum/model’s contributors.

Who is our community?
o What location is our platform oriented for?

o Who does our platform serve?

o Who does it engage and why?

Why does our model matter?
o Offer a justification. Why is this specific forum/model needed? How does it fill a need?

o What is our niche within the news ecosystem and within this community?

o Who are our competitors; how do we stand apart or how will we do better/different?

What is our production strategy?
o Offer an organized, logical description of what this forum/model looks like.

o How will you go from idea to reality? Explain tactics you will use to create it; such as: who will
contribute to it; how will the content be produced, gathered and shared; how will the model reach people.

o What are our ideas for funding this project?

How will we define and measure success & how will we grow?
o Define what you consider as success for this model/forum.

o State how you want this model to affect a community; suggest how you may know if the model is making this impact.

o Offer a vision beyond the launch. Paint a picture of what you want your model to look like and who your community will be in a year, five years or more.

Exactly what is our content?
o Create and include a sample piece of content for your newssharing model. Exactly what this means depends on your proposal. We will work together in class to define this requirement.

o Roughly speaking, this means that you could write a brief story, make a video, produce a podcast, or provide some other form of content that demonstrates what the community will be getting from you. Don’t panic about this requirement. I am NOT asking you to go out and report an investigative news story on top of everything else, or asking you to produce a big long news show on top of everything else. We will discuss what is appropriate for your group’s proposal. We will keep the expectations within reason!

How will this model contribute to trustbuilding / engaging community members in civic responsibilities?
o Articulate how the model will contribute to repairing trust between the press and the public.

o Articulate how the model will engage a community, or how it will connect people to one another, and and/or how it will connect them to information they need to carry out civic responsibilities