Unit 2 Assignment: Supported Paragraph

DiLascio-Martinuk, T. (2021).
Vote by mail: Overview. Points of View: Vote by Mail, 1–4. You will be creating one paragraph that answers the following question:

Why or why not should American citizens be allowed to vote by mail?

The article above provides an overview of the issue of Americans voting by mail. After reading the above article, you will write one paragraph that asserts your objective and clear position answering the above question. Your writing should be done in third person (he, she, they, one, it, people) and not use first (me, us, our, we, my, I) or second person (you, your). Most academic writing is done in third person rather than first or second person because the writing is more objective.
The key to this assignment is to make sure that the seventonine sentence paragraph you write only has one topic and includes evidence to support that topic. In other words, you need one main reason to explain why you think Americans should or should not be able to votebymail. Your answer to the above question should explain that reason in your paragraph with one direct quote from the article. Review the Citing Evidence interactive in this unit for information on how to include a direct quote in your work. Your evidence should go in the middle of the paragraph so that you can completely introduce it and explain how it supports your topic. (See stepbystep instructions about creating a paragraph with evidence.)

Answer the question above in one paragraph comprised of at least seven (7) to nine (9) sentences. You should use one direct quote from the article.

1. First, begin your paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states where you stand on the question above.

2. Next, include supporting sentences that explain and prove your topic. Next,

3. Then, in the center of your paragraph, include a direct quote from the reading as one piece of evidence to support your topic with an intext citation that looks like this: (Karter, 2021, p. #).

4. Finally, comment on and explain the quotation and wrap up your paragraph with a concluding sentence.

Submit a Microsoft Word document or PDF.

Include a title page, a proper font case per APA standards (Times New Roman 12 font is suggested), and a references page. The document should have 1inch margins and should be doublespaced.

The direct quote should be included within the center of the paragraph (as opposed to at the start or end).

Use objective thirdperson language: “he,” “she,” “it,” “him,” “her,” “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “they,” “them,” “their,” “themselves.” (Avoid subjective language such as “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” “us,”etc.)

The paragraph should be at least seven (7) sentences in length.

Follow proper APA formatting when citing the quote and include the article’s reference doublespaced on a reference page. For the reference page, simply label the last page of your document References and add this reference:

DiLascioMartinuk, T. (2021). Vote by mail: Overview. Points of View: Vote by Mail, 14.