Introduce Us to Your Final Project Topic and the Literature

This will also serve as a rough draft for the abstract, introduction, and literature review portions of your final project that will help you get started with your writing. You will start to make a step-by-step approach to finishing your final project. Remember to check APA Style guidelines before writing (click here on this APA Style example paper-this paper combines the introduction and literature review into one section): (Links to an external site.)


1. Write a 150 word abstract (an overview of your project. Revise in Week 5 to include your results.)

2. Find six research studies related to your topic from scholarly research journals from the OSU Library (example Journal of Personality and Social Psychology or Journal of Personality Assessment)

3. Write a 150 word introduction. Explain why the topic is interesting or important. Start to write about what we already know about this topic and what still needs to be known. State your purpose specifically at the end of this section. What specifically are you going to study?

4. For your literature review, write a very short 30 to 50 word summary of each of your 6 articles. Who was in the study, how was the study done, and what was found?

Remember this is a rough draft. This does not need to be perfect. Just write without critiquing too much at this point.

Enjoy your reading and writing!