Gender studies/love

Write a 5 page essay, on your choice of topic on any of the following pieces of literature or movie

Optional topics include: divine love, familial love, sapphic love

  • Edrich’s Love Medicine
  • Plato, Symposium
  • Solomon’s Song of Songs
  • The Love Songs of Sappho
  • “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”
  • Dead Man Walking


  • Soren Kierkegaard, Works of Love
  • Simone Weil,
  • Waiting for God
  • (“Reflections on the Right Use of School Studies,”
  • “The Love of God and Affliction,” And “Forms of the Implicit Love of God”
  • Joseph Marshall, “Love” and “Compassion” from The Lokota Way
  • “ Wings of Desire”
  • “Beginnings,”  “Strips,” and “Endings,” from Outside Lies Magic
  • “Fried Green Tomatoes”
  • Book I of Montaigne’s Essays
  • Dante, La Vita Nuova
  • Love in the Western World
  • Oscar Wilde, “The Nightingale and the Rose”