Book review / Book report

BOOK NAME: Marketing: A Love Story: How to Matter to Your Customers

What is required is NOT an essay but a business report. It should be a short summary and analysis of the key points (arguments) in the mutually agreed book. Do not waste space with a long Introduction and Conclusion (they should be very short and confined to the key points). While you should not use essay structure and can, and should use bullet points, numbered sections, headings and sub-headings, YOU MUST WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

● MAXIMUM Word Count = 1,000 words.

The main body of your review should be in three main parts:

Part 1.
Write a single paragraph summarizing each key argument of the book. Note that the argument is not the same thing as the text, and so a summary of the argument is not the same thing as a summary of the text.

Part 2.
Write a brief objective critique of the argument. This critique should analyze the logical structure of the argument, and point out the strengths and/or weaknesses of the argument.

Part 3.
Write a brief subjective critique concerning the book. What are your personal thoughts? What do you agree with? Disagree with? Value? Not value? Is there something you did not understand? End this section with at least two points/questions for discussion in the class.