Survey report

• List the demographics of the respondents:

Age =. 20-60
Race= diverse
Gender = male female
income level = 60k -150k yearly

This information is a general description

• List questions along with answers from participants. / Add a copy of the survey.

1. Are you aware of what are the dangers of using plastic non-compostable products in the environment?

2. Are you willing to start using compostable products instead of plastic ones if that means you will be helping protect our environment ?

3-Do you prefer recyclable bags over plastic ones?

4- Would you advocate for a ban on plastic “check-out” bags at retail establishments and a cost for recyclable bags?

5- State any problem you feel comes with recyclable products .

6- Do you believe plastic products are an issue for the environment?

7- Does your store carries compostable non plastic products for sale?

8- How do you compare the cost of compostable products to plastic ones?

9- After seeing the logo, will you be willing to try our products if they are available at the Publix Supermarket?

• Add relevant graphs and charts to help deliver the intended message.

• State the conclusions and/or key findings from your survey.