Write a formal essay in which you respond fully, carefully, and accurately — following ALL of the guidelines explained above — to the writing prompts/questions below. Make sure that your essay is organized so that, in addition to an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph, there are separate paragraphs for your responses to each of the prompts below.

* Carefully describe the working lives of enslaved persons in the United States in the Middle 1800s? What kinds of things did enslaved persons actually DO? Carefully describe some of the differences within slavery depending on age, gender, and region? (Assigned pages in chapter 11 + assigned video clips + primary sources 11.6, 11.8, 11.10)

* Carefully describe the family life of enslaved persons and some of the challenges faced by enslaved parents? (Assigned pages in chapter 11 + assigned video clip + primary source 11.6)

* Carefully describe the greatest threats or fears confronted by enslaved men and enslaved women? What do these fears tell us about the enslaved people’s view of whites? (Assigned pages in chapter 11 + assigned video clips + primary sources 11.7, 11.8, 11.9)

* Carefully describe the ways that enslaved men and women

Resisted slavery (Assigned pages in chapter 11 + assigned video clips)
Sought to create a sense of community and shared culture even thought they were other people’s “property”? (Assigned pages in chapter 11 + assigned video clips + primary source 11.10)