Calculating the concentration of an acid

Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of this assessment, you will have met the following module learning outcomes:


Knowledge Based Outcomes


LO3.  Demonstrate an understanding of safe working practice through experimental work, including the selection of appropriate methods

LO4.     Record, interpret and analyse experimental investigations in relation to an original hypothesis and make suitable recommendations for enhancing future work


Skilled Based Outcomes

●       Analytical and problem solving

●       Carrying out experimental work in a safe, reliable and efficient manner

●       Expanding the range of scientific skills and techniques, both quantitative and qualitative

●       Time management, planning and organisational skills

●       Ability to work competently and independently

●       Being aware of own strengths and weaknesses and to recognise when support is needed


Assessment criteria:

In order to successfully complete this assessment and meet the above learning outcomes, you must satisfy the following criteria:



AC3.1       Outline the procedure of an experiment, including an accurate method and list of materials

AC3.2       Identify and explain the independent, dependent and controlled variables in relation to a given experiment


AC4.1       Present data clearly and accurately with the use of appropriate tables and graphs

AC4.2       Interpret scientific results and identify potential sources of error, uncertainties, and anomalies

AC4.3       Critique experimental design and processes within a given experiment

AC4.4       Offer suitable recommendations and improvements that can be implemented in future experimental work