Research assignment

After completing each unit’s textbook reading assignment, doing some outside research, and taking a look at the Unit Lecture, use the unit discussion thread to post your response to your randomly assigned question.

Your Instructor will randomly assign one initial question to each student. Question selection is by Randomizer at this website (Links to an external site.). Random selection will ensure no student is assigned the harder or easier question throughout the course. The goal is to address all questions.


Respond to the assigned question.
Responding to the instructor is creditable.
Late postings are not allowed without the instructor’s permission.
Refer to the Assignments and Grading Module for the Discussion grading rubric and general discussion requirements.
Post the entire initial question at the beginning of your response.
Include in your initial question response the required textbook and web-based references.

Apply APA formatting. Discuss three past contributions women made to the U.S. labor movement then discuss three contributions women are making today to the U.S. labor movement. Refer to this website on women’s rights from The University of Maryland (Links to an external site.). (ULO 2)