Stock market trends

Discuss why you would invest in Exxon Mobil. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends, but you can also include research that assisted you in making this decision. Cite your source(s) of information. Also state and a good price point you would intend to close your trade (and explain why) if you are currently at a 4% return, (You bought the stock at 91.77 and the last price is currently $95.41).

Discuss why you would not invest in Sony. Make sure your explanation is from an analytical point of view based on the stock market trends, but you can also include research that assisted you in making this decision. Cite your source(s) of information. Given a scenario that you made an 8%loss on your sony investment, discuss how you could have minimized your loss (for example, by using either another trade or a derivative). Be specific – that is give the details of what action you would have taken.