Final Project

D. Purposeful: Explain how each proposed best practice directly addresses at least one law, policy, regulation, or ethical code of conduct covered in the course, and provide a short explanation of how following the best practice will help professional communicators maintain compliance and avoid legal repercussion.

C. Actionable: Describe how your proposed best practices should be used and implemented across communication professions.

Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • • Evaluate the impact of government regulation and public policy on the communication profession
  • • Apply socially responsible practices when responding to various communication problems and scenarios
  • Evaluate how ethical and legal issues impact communication messages and goals

Scenario You work as a communication specialist for a large company that has recently been faced with a lawsuit regarding sharing private information. In light of the recent lawsuit, you have been asked to train internal staff on legal and ethical best practices for communication to reduce the likelihood of another legal battle, but also to ensure that the organization is being socially and ethically responsible in its communication practices. Your training will be reviewed by the organization’s attorney before being finalized and presented; however, the organization is confident that your expertise in media law and ethics will mean that the in-house attorney will not need to make significant changes.

Directions Training Presentation Based on requirements from the leadership team, develop a slideshow presentation with corresponding speaker notes that can be shared on the organization’s intranet. Specifically, you must address the rubric criteria below.

1. Role of Law and Ethics in Communication: Analyze the role and value of communication law and ethical codes of conduct by addressing the following using supporting evidence:

  • A. Enforcing Law: Describe the role of government and regulatory bodies on overseeing and enforcing law in communication.
  • B. Societal Influence: Explain how societal changes influence law, policy, regulation, and ethics in communication using specific examples.
  • C. Influence on Communication: Explain how law, policy, and regulation influence the way that people and organizations communicate.

2. Key Laws, Policies, and Regulations: Evaluate the ways that key laws, regulations, policies, and ethical codes of conduct influence how professionals communicate by addressing the following using supporting evidence:

  • A. Purview: Identify the level of government or regulatory body that oversees compliance of key laws, regulations, policies, and ethical codes of conduct that inform professional communication.
  • B. Purpose: Explain the purpose of key communication-focused laws, regulations, policies, and ethical codes of conduct that protect the rights of individuals and organizations and benefit society.
  • C. Defining Cases: Summarize the context, rulings, and legal impact of defining cases that shaped how key laws, regulations, policies, and ethical codes of conduct are enforced and interpreted.
  • D. Repercussions: Describe possible repercussions of poor legal and ethical communication practices in organizations.

3. General Best Practices: Based on the laws, policies, regulations, and codes of conduct covered in your presentation, conclude by recommending five to seven general best practices that employees can use to be effective, socially responsible professional communicators. Best practices should be comprised of the following criteria and include supporting evidence:

  • A. Authentic: Include a brief authentic scenario for each created best practice that a professional communicator may face containing I regulatory, or ethical dilemmas.
  • B. Evidenced: Incorporate evidence from credible, authoritative sources to support your created best practices.