Curatorial Project with the subject: Primitivism and Appropriation: How Diego Rivera and Pablo Picasso explored Indigenous Cultures in their approaches to Modern Art.

Your 800-word final outline/synopsis will explain-_-in finished and thoughtful prose- the objectives of your exhibition, where you plan to have it, how it will be assembled, and a general discussion of what objects it will include (and why). Explain how the exhibition relates to the ideas and approaches introduced in this course. Refer to specific bibliographical sources whenever possible, and include a minimum of 3 sources. When you hand in your final curatorial project outline on June 29th, also provide a full list of the objects you would include in the exhibition, noting information about where they are currently found (which museum, gallery, archive, private collection, etc.; you can ascertain this information online via ARTstor, via museum and collection websites on the internet, or through books, journals, exhibition catalogs, and other printed media); also discuss your spatial plan (where you would locate these objects within your exhibition design). [Graduate students: in addition, provide a 300-word conclusion explaining what you expect the reception of your exhibition would be (and why)l