Media Analysis Abstract and Essay – Critical Assessment of Healthcare-themed Television[1]

 This assignment requires that you complete an 8-10 page (approximately) critical examination of a dramatic television program that focuses on the healthcare system, and a 150-250 word abstract. The programs you may choose from are, quite literally, too numerous to list but include for example: The Good Doctor, Grey’s Anatomy, House, Chicago Med, The Resident, Nurses, The Transplant, etc. Note that the programs listed above represent only a very small sample of the plethora of healthcare-themed television programs widely available on broadcast television and from specialty channels. It does not matter whether the programs are current (they may be of any age you choose) or in what country they are based. You must watch a minimum of three episodes (assuming episodes are approximately one hour) of the program. If you are in any doubt about whether a program is acceptable, check with your instructor.

The primary objective of this assignment is to critically assess the program’s portrayal of the healthcare system within which it is set. Students examining health programs set in other countries are required to note where aspects of the healthcare system in the program differ significantly from the Canadian system. Students examining an “old” program would need to note whether any aspects of the system in the program differ from the present-day system.


Abstract- 10%

The first part of this assignment requires that you submit a 250-word abstract that succinctly summarizes your final paper. The abstract will specify the goal of your project, the sociological concepts used, and the empirical materials (name of television show) you plan to use to inform your analysis. Abstracts must also contain 4-6 keywords that adequately describe the key points of the paper. Abstracts are tricky to write, but essential components of APA papers.

More information on abstracts can be found here:

Abstracts are due no later than June 9th.  Late abstracts will be subject to a 10% per day (including weekends and holidays) deduction from the grade. Late abstracts may not get feedback in time to inform your final essay.

Essay- 25%

The body of the paper will consist of three main sections corresponding to the three episodes you are analyzing. For each episode, first provide a brief summary (2 or 3 sentences only) of the relevant health system plot elements. Then, assess the nature and accuracy of the program’s portrayal of the healthcare system based upon the knowledge you have gained through the lectures and readings from this class. That is, be sure to draw on at least 3 specific sociological concepts and ideas from the textbook, the lecture, and class discussions.  Also, keep the following questions in mind during your analysis (these are simply examples to assist with your analysis – you don’t have to answer all of them):

  • How does the program, in general, portray health, wellness, and illness? Is it more sympathetic to some persons (e.g., doctors, patients, specialists) than others?
  • Does the program have a medico-centric bias? Explain.
  • Does the program portray a pathogenic or salutogenic health system? Explain.
  • Does the program discuss any social determinants of health? Explain.
  • Do you think the program has an underlying political or ideological agenda? That is, does the program seem to “take a side” in health care issues and arguments? Explain.
  • You may also critically examine the show from a sociological paradigm (i.e., structural functionalist, conflict, symbolic interactionist, feminist, sociology of the body).

The paper you submit must be double-spaced, have standard margins & borders, and use a 12-point Times New Roman font. It is to be written in essay format (i.e. introduction, body, and conclusion), and must be written in an “academic style.” That is, it must be written formally and objectively, and include a title page and a reference page (not included in total page count). Citations must be provided for any course materials or other reference materials consulted, using APA referencing style. The title page must include the course name & number, instructor’s name, your name & student number, date, and an informative-yet-non-stupefyingly-mundane title. Papers will be submitted on UM Learn.