The Burden of Tuberculosis

What is the burden of tuberculosis and how may it be controlled at a population level? You must address each of the following bullet points:
• Identify the risk factors for spread of tuberculosis at an individual and population level. Base your answer on published evidence and answer in general terms rather than for a single population.

Compare the impact of these different risk factors and identify, based on evidence, which are the most important to address.
• Assess the burden of tuberculosis in your country and discuss how this compares regionally and globally. Critically evaluate the reliability of the data you are using.
Imagine you have started work as a consultant to advise on the control of tuberculosis in a health region with a population of 500,000 people and an annual incidence of 150 cases per 100,000 people.
• Describe how the spread of tuberculosis could be controlled using a whole system approach. Describe its main features and why this programme would be effective.
• Discuss the likely challenges to implementation and how these might be addressed.

NOTES: Make sure you answer each part of the question in one file, and that it is uploaded as a Word file or PDF document.