Investigation into the different behaviours of young adults’ in social situations

Having already gained many of the key skills required for undertaking rigorous academic research in the Academic Practice Module of Semester 1, the Extended Essay Module and corresponding assessment will give you an opportunity to further substantiate your knowledge and sharpen your skills. Unlike in Academic Practice, you will actually conduct a piece of primary research in Extended Essay, upon which your essay will be based.
While the requirements of the essay will be similar to those of Academic Practice, we will expect to see that you have gained a deeper insight into the intricacies of academic writing, that you have honed your ability to critically analyse literature in your field, and that you have developed a comprehensive understanding of how quality academic research is undertaken. You will also be required to gain ethical approval for your research activities.

Learning Outcomes
Your essay should demonstrate the following skills:

Your ability to formulate appropriate research questions or hypotheses, which are clear, focused, succinct, difficult, and debatable (Module Specification Learning Outcome a)

Your ability to form a comprehensive understanding of the secondary literature relevant to your field of study (Module Specification Learning Outcome b)

Your ability to situate your own research questions or hypotheses within the secondary literature relevant to your field of study (Module Specification Learning Outcome b)

Your ability to formulate a robust research methodology that will vigorously test your research questions or hypotheses (Module Specification Learning Outcome d)

Your ability to present your research in a well-structured essay, which encompasses appropriate questions or hypotheses, a detailed literature review, explanation and evaluation of your research methods, a review of ethical considerations (if relevant to your research methods), research findings and corresponding evaluation, conclusions, and a bibliography (Module Specification Learning Outcomes c and e)

Your ability to use referencing styles appropriate to your future course of study (Module Specification Learning Outcome f)

Your ability to give, receive and implement feedback (Module Specification Learning Outcome g)


Design, undertake and write up a research project on a topic relevant to your field of study.

You should:

Introduce the topic of your research.

Formulate a number of appropriate research questions or hypotheses.

Provide a comprehensive overview of the research undertaken on your topic to date, giving a rationale for your chosen topic and situating your own research questions or hypotheses within your literature review.

Describe the research method you have chosen for your research.

Justify your choice of research method, situating this within the wider literature in the field.

Outline the ethical considerations related to your research (if applicable).

Present your research findings in a well-organised and structured manner, evaluating your findings and situating them within the wider literature in the field.

Provide a strong conclusion that convincingly brings together your essay and emphasises the contribution of your research to the wider field.

Provide a bibliography of the sources used in your essay.

Your essay must:

Be 3,000 words +/- 10% including in-text citations but excluding bibliography.

Be well-structured and communicate your research in a thoughtful manner.

Include a title of your choice which is appropriate for your project.

Include each of the elements described above:

o Introduction (approx. 300 words)

o Research questions/hypotheses (approx. 100 words)

o Literature review (approx. 800 words)

o Explanation & evaluation of your research methods (approx. 300 words)

o Review of ethical considerations (approx. 300 words)

o Research findings and corresponding evaluation (approx. 800 words)

o Conclusions (approx. 400 words)

o Bibliography (not included in word count)

Include appropriate academic conventions such as Harvard, OSCOLA or APA, depending on discipline.

You may use subheadings sparingly, if appropriate.