Introduction Activity

As you enter, please select a picture that  represents you as a learner in the  Tarleton Doctoral Program in Educational  Leadership
Dr. Don M. Beach, Tarleton State University

Reflect on the opening activity for class introductions and describe in writing (3-5 paragraphs) the key aspects such as who, what, when, where, and perhaps why.

Students entered the class.  Dr. Beach placed the picture cards and the front table and stated that we are to pick a picture that best represents us as doctoral students.

Students walked up to the table and picked pictures.  Some students talked about the pictures they picked.  Some students were deciding from several different pictures before deciding on one picture.  Dr. Beach was at his desk also giving feedback on the students’ chosen pictures they were picking.

Students returned to their seats and waited for further instructions from Dr. Beach.  Dr. Beach introduced himself first and then stated that anyone could go next.  As each student presented their picture Dr. Beach smiled and gave feedback.

In concluding the introductory activity Dr. Beach started the lesson.

We are meant to write a description of the protocol/methodology used in tonight’s picture activity.  The who, what, why, when, where, and maybe why of the activity.