Assignment Overview
Global Marketers embroiled in Controversy

When brand names become connected with positive attributes, the company can prosper. On the other hand, when the brand becomes part of a controversy, the company must act.

Session Long Project 3 Resources

A US ban on kangaroo leather would be an animal welfare disaster – and a missed farming opportunity (2021)
H&M upsets Vietnam after kowtowing to Beijing over ‘problematic map’ (2021)
Most Americans Support Tough Stance Toward China on Human Rights, Economic Issues (2021)
Pressing China on human rights – even if it hurts economic relations – has Americans’ bipartisan support (2021)
Threats and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace (2019)
Personal Values and Ethics (2019)
Fragility, Conflict & Violence

SLP Assignment
International Crisis Interventions

Research two incidents in which an international brand becomes involved in a controversial situation. Focus on situations that occurred outside of the United States. It may be a current news story or conduct internet searches for an incident (less than three years old).

You will write a 2-page report:

Provide a brief background of each incident and how the company was affected in the news, social media, etc.
Explain how the company reacted. (1 page for each situation)
No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation .

Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric.

This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate.