Community Partner Briefing

Goals of this Assignment, to be Reflected in your Work:
1. Learn more about the organization that you are working for & their history;
2. Research & Learn more about the issue that the organization addresses, how they address it, and why it’s a concern in your community;
3. Determine what COVID-19 protocols your organization follows;
4. Inform Prof. Botting how you will be submitting documentation of your community work hours.

This paper should only be completed after you have confirmation that you have a community work placement and approval from Prof. Botting that you will be able to use it to fulfill the 10 hour community work requirement that is part of the CE requirement for this course. In the lead up to your submission of this paper you should be in communication with Prof. Botting regarding your search and your preferred organizations.

You have the option of volunteering in person, or remotely. If choosing to volunteer in person, you and your partner must abide by all pertinent COVID-19 regulations for the duration of your work.
Your paper must provide information on the following bullet points and follow the below page minimums. For Part I and part III, you will draw primarily upon your organization’s website and documents contained therein.

Part I: Organization Background (½ page minimum, 20 points)
Name of organization
Brief history of the founding of the organization
Quote your organization’s mission statement
What geographic area, and what communities, does the organization serve?

Part II: Community Issue Your Organization Serves to Address (1.5 pages minimum, 60 points)

The Problem
What community problem, or issue, does your organization serve to address?
Find at least two external sources that address this issue in the geographic area your organization serves and cite them in your response for Part II.
Make sure to cite and add to a “Works Cited” appendix.
Why is this problem serious? Why must it be addressed? Use reputable sources to paint a convincing picture of how this problem impacts the community they serve;

How and in what ways is your organization addressing this problem? What is the impact of your organization on the community. What “public value” is your community organization creating for the community?

The Solution
How does your organization address these issues? Who are their clients and how do they serve them?
Are they successful? What have they accomplished? Use information from their website or downloadable documents.

Part III: Community Work (½ page minimum, 20 points)
What roles do volunteers play in the organization? What role will you play?
Will you be volunteering in person, or remotely? If in person, what COVID protection policies are in place?
What is the website for your organization? Are they a 501 c3 non-profit or government organization?
How will you be documenting the hours you volunteer?
Who is your community partner contact that will be able to confirm your hours?
If you are working remotely and don’t have a community partner contact, do you have a web portal that verifies hours/dates and/or tracks deliverables like “text messages sent,” “emails sent,” etc?
If so, will you be able to download documents or take screenshots to document your community work?