Initial Survey Design Template

Your Name


Instructions: Record your responses on the template below each question and upload this document as your assessment submission. Do not change any of the items on the template except to add or delete space.

  1. What is the topic of your survey?


  1. Why is the topic important? How might the results of the study be used in your personal or professional life?


  1. What are the potential variables to be included in data gathering? You must include at least three variables that might be a part of your study. Write a minimum of one paragraph describing your potential variables.


  1. Define the population to be studied. Write 1–3 sentences describing your target population. Include specific characteristics including age range, gender, location, and any other identifiers that are unique and relevant to your population.


  1. Explain why this is the best population for your study. Write at least one paragraph analyzing why you have chosen this population for your study.