Choice question


  1. For most people, anatomical sex, gender identity, and assigned gender are
a. discordant
b. ambiguous
c. congruent
d. unrelated

0.75 points   


  1. Although gender is not inherent in inanimate objects or in behaviors, we treat many objects and behaviors as if they were masculine or feminine. This cognitive organization of the world according to gender is referred to as
a. a gender bias
b. sex typing
c. a gender schema
d. gender stereotyping

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following refers to a rigidly held, oversimplified, and overgeneralized belief about how each gender should behave?
a. gender variation
b. gender-role stereotype
c. gender identity
d. assigned gender

0.75 points   


  1. The first sign of puberty in boys is
a. the deepening of the voice
b. the growth of pubic hair
c. the growth of facial hair
d. the enlargement of the testicles

0.75 points   


  1. When the brains of love-struck men are studied, it is found that more activity exists for men in
a. the brain region that integrates visual stimuli
b. the brain region that governs memories
c. the hypothalamus
d. the amygdala

0.75 points   


  1. The assignment of gender usually occurs at birth and is usually based on
a. gender identity
b. anatomical appearance
c. behavioral genetics
d. dominant hormones

0.75 points   


  1. Diana has reached menopause. Her age is most likely to be around
a. 12 years
b. 29 years
c. 37 years
d. 51 years

0.75 points   


  1. ________ is a term that describes irrational or phobic fear of sexual minorities.
a. Agoraphobia
b. Homophobia
c. Heterophobia
d. Homophilia

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following almost always precedes lesbian or gay activity by several years?
a. homoeroticism
b. depression
c. promiscuity
d. dissipation

0.75 points   


  1. Proximity in a relationship signifies
a. a level of intimacy
b. a level of competition
c. the couple’s level of knowledge
d. the status of a person in the relationship

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following terms refers to a marriage in which partners mutually agree to allow sexual relationships with others?
a. open marriage
b. arranged marriage
c. consensual marriage
d. rebound marriage

0.75 points   


  1. The first sign of puberty in girls is
a. the growth of underarm hair
b. breast development
c. the secretion of vaginal mucus
d. menarche

0.75 points   


  1. How are sexual orientation and gender identity related to each other?
a. Gender identity determines sexual orientation
b. They are conceptually independent of each other
c. Sexual orientation determines gender identity
d. They are both determined by a person’s sex

0.75 points   


  1. By what age does one internalize and identify with one’s gender?
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years

0.75 points   


  1. A succession of marriages or relationships rather than permanence is sometimes known as
a. domestic partnership
b. open relationship
c. free union
d. serial monogamy

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following refers to the physical sex structures of a person such as gonads, uterus, vulva, vagina, and penis?
a. genetic sex
b. gender dysphoria
c. anatomical sex
d. sexual dimorphism

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following refers to whether one is biologically female or male?
a. sex
b. gender
c. sexual dimorphism
d. gender dysphoria

0.75 points   


  1. A sex education program in the Dakota school district goes from Kindergarten through high school. It is age-appropriate and covers a broad range of topics as well as opportunities to develop relationships and interpersonal skills and sexual responsibility. This approach is called
a. contraceptive sexuality education
b. comprehensive sexuality education
c. abstinence-only sexuality education
d. facilitative sexuality education

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following statements is true of conflict?
a. The more intimate two people become, the less likely they are to experience conflict
b. The presence of conflict does not necessarily indicate that love is waning
c. Conflict in any form proves detrimental to a relationship
d. Conflict is the process in which people perceive what is hindering them from achieving their goals

0.75 points   


  1. Puberty is the time when a person
a. enters early adulthood
b. learns about sexuality
c. becomes capable of reproduction
d. becomes a legal adult

0.75 points   


  1. Menopause is best defined as
a. the onset of menstrual irregularities
b. the recurrent dysplasia of the cervix
c. the complete cessation of menstruation for at least a year
d. the period during which women are highly fertile

0.75 points   


  1. Virtually all health professionals consider masturbation a(n)
a. common childhood behavior
b. abnormal behavior
c. harmful behavior
d. unhealthy sexual behavior

0.75 points   


  1. The assumption that attractive people possess more desirable social characteristics than are actually present is called
a. the self-serving bias
b. the halo effect
c. the self-fulfilling prophecy
d. sexual attribution

0.75 points   


  1. In the context of love and communication in intimate relationships, the lack of sexual attraction is known as
a. sexual masochism
b. anorgasmia
c. hermaphroditism
d. asexuality

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following statements defines the term “heteronormativity”?
a. It is a set of interrelated ideas used to organize information about the world on the basis of gender.
b. It is the belief that heterosexuality is standard, natural, and superior to all other expressions of sexuality.
c. It is the view that heterosexual men often have more female biological characteristics than homosexual men do.
d. It is a person’s internal sense or perception of being male, female, a blend of both, or neither.

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is NOT a change that a man can expect as he ages?
a. a longer refractory period
b. a decrease in the frequency of sexual activity
c. a slight increase in the amount of ejaculate
d. a less firm erection

0.75 points   


  1. According to the American Psychiatric Association, when a person is intensely uncomfortable and distressed with his or her biological gender and strongly identifies with, and wants to be, the other gender, that person may be said to have
a. monorchism
b. gender dysphoria
c. hypospadias
d. gonochorism

0.75 points   


  1. The human body actually begins its first sexual response
a. 6 months after birth
b. 3 years after birth
c. 13 years after birth
d. in utero

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following statements about love is true?
a. Love is a relatively simple emotion
b. Love manifests itself in various forms across all cultures
c. Love, by strict definition, cannot occur in gay or lesbian relationships
d. Love is a feeling and not an activity

0.75 points   


  1. A person’s internal sense of being male or female is called
a. gender identity
b. genetic sex
c. assigned gender
d. a gender role

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following terms refers to the development of sperm in the testicles of boys during puberty?
a. spermarche
b. menarche
c. spermiation
d. ejaculation

0.75 points   


  1. In recent years one of the most advanced mandated form of comprehensive sexuality education was introduced in
a. California
b. Colorado
c. Mississippi
d. Kentucky

0.75 points   


  1. The rights of unmarried adults who choose to live together in the same manner as a married couple are referred to by the concept of
a. domestic partnerships
b. serial monogamy
c. decriminalizing adultery
d. heteronormativity

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following was found by researchers to differentiate love from friendship?
a. levels of acceptance and satisfaction
b. levels of respect and spontaneity
c. levels of fascination and exclusiveness
d. levels of trust and understanding

0.75 points   


  1. Negative attitudes and affects toward homosexuality in other persons and toward same-sex attraction in oneself are referred to as
a. heteronormativity
b. internalized homophobia
c. self-labeling
d. closeting

0.75 points   


  1. Separated or divorced men and women tend to have
a. double standards when it comes to choosing a partner when compared with never-married young adults
b. different expectations about relationships because of their previous marital experience
c. relationship expectations similar to that of never-married young adults
d. little or no expectations owing to previous marriage experiences

0.75 points   


  1. One of the problems with nonverbal communication is
a. the imprecision of its messages
b. that it does not communicate emotion
c. that there are very few ways to communicate nonverbally
d. the level of acceptance by other people

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following kinds of love is something one dreams about but is difficult to sustain over time?
a. companionate love
b. romantic love
c. consummate love
d. fatuous love

0.75 points   


  1. Studies about masturbation in adolescence indicate that masturbation
a. is higher in females than males in all age groups
b. that males are more likely than females to view masturbation as ambiguous play
c. that the degree to which adolescents masturbate is directly correlated with whether or not they have a partner
d. that many males begin masturbating between ages 13 and 15

0.75 points   


  1. One long-term effect of the lower estrogen levels resulting from menopause is
a. cervical cancer
b. liver problems
c. osteoporosis
d. leukemia

0.75 points   


  1. According to Sternberg, which of the following is NOT an element of love?
a. arousal
b. passion
c. commitment
d. intimacy

0.75 points   


  1. A period of intense warmth, flushing, and perspiration often found in menopausal women is called
a. a hot flash
b. a power surge
c. perimenopause
d. osteoporosis

0.75 points   


  1. According to Storms’ model of sexual orientation, identify a true statement about bisexual individuals.
a. Their sexual orientation is a continuum from exclusively heterosexual to exclusively homosexual.
b. They are high on both homoeroticism and heteroeroticism dimensions.
c. Their sexual behavior pattern changes across a lifetime.
d. They are heterosexual individuals trying to be homosexual.

0.75 points   


  1. The umbrella term for those whose gender expression or identity is not congruent with the sex assigned at birth and whose gender is not validated by the dominant culture is
a. homosexual
b. cisgender
c. heterosexual
d. transgender

0.75 points   


  1. Children who engage in sex play
a. generally do so with children of their own sex
b. are likely to have an unintended pregnancy in the future
c. are likely to become sexually active in early teen years
d. should be seen by a therapist as this is a matter of concern

0.75 points   


  1. A person who combines the trait of instrumentality traditionally associated with masculinity with the trait of expressiveness traditionally associated with femininity could be described as
a. borderline masculine
b. feminine
c. androgynous
d. a latent homosexual

0.75 points   


  1. Match each condition to it’s corresponding description.  Note: there is only one correct answer for each.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Robyn has no ovaries, but her external genitals are those of a normal female. As she grows up, her body remains short, she does not develop a mature feminine physique, and she does not menstruate.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Andrea was born female, and raised as a girl. As an adult, she is unable to conceive with her partner. A medical examination reveals that she has the genetic makeup of a man and lacks a uterus; resulting in infertility.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Aaron is born with a rare condition where his genitals cannot be clearly categorized as male or female. His doctor observes that he lacks a hormone called dihydrotestosterone and is infertile.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Jordan was born female. However, she does not develop any secondary female characteristics during puberty. She lacks breasts, has abnormal menstrual periods and excessive facial hair growth. Internally, she has a pair of ovaries and a vagina, but externally she develops as a male.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Lucas was born male. During puberty he became self-conscious when he noticed that his body was not undergoing the same changes as his peers. He lacked facial, pubic and underarm hair, and his penis and testicles remained small. A medical analysis discovered that he had an additional X chromosome.
A. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
B. Klinefelter syndrome
C. 5-alpha reductase deficiency
D. Androgen insensitivity syndrome
E. Turner syndrome

5 points   


  1. According to Sternberg, all of the following are signs of intimacy EXCEPT
a. valuing one’s partner’s presence in one’s life
b. sharing oneself and one’s possessions with one’s partner
c. providing emotional support to one’s partner
d. sacrificing oneself for one’s partner

0.75 points   


  1. Identify the condition in males in which the urethral opening forms on the underside of the penis or scrotum, rather than on the tip of the penis.
a. hypospadias
b. transvestism
c. bladder exstrophy
d. testicular dysgenesis syndrome

0.75 points   


  1. Jealousy in a relationship is often related to personal feelings of
a. love
b. commitment
c. devotion
d. insecurity

0.75 points   


  1. According to Helen Fisher, which of the following chemicals has been found to stimulate feelings of attraction?
a. dopamine
b. acetylcholine
c. gamma-aminobutyric acid
d. glutamate

0.75 points   


  1. Precocious puberty
a. is normally inherited from mother to son
b. is less commonly found in boys than in girls
c. signifies an underlying medical problem in girls
d. occurs mostly in children of color

0.75 points   


  1. Menarche is
a. another name for the growth spurt that occurs during puberty
b. the onset of menstruation
c. a term for painful menstrual cramps
d. the absence of menstruation

0.75 points   


  1. Those with disorders of sexual development (DSD) are also referred to as
a. transsexuals
b. sexually fluid
c. bisexuals
d. intersex

0.75 points   


  1. Making eye contact with another person, if only for a split second longer than usual, is a signal of
a. fear
b. threat
c. hatred
d. interest

0.75 points   


  1. A sex education program in the Davis school district emphasizes staying away from all kinds of sexual behaviors until marriage. This program excludes all types of sexual and reproductive health education. This is curriculum is called
a. facilitative sexuality education
b. comprehensive sexuality education
c. developmental sexuality education
d. abstinence-only sexuality education

0.75 points   


  1. Oftentimes gay and lesbian individuals report that they became aware of their difference in
a. late adulthood
b. early childhood
c. middle or late childhood
d. late adolescence

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following refers to the gender given by others, usually at birth?
a. genetic sex
b. gender identity
c. anatomical sex
d. assigned gender

0.75 points   


  1. Publicly acknowledging one’s homosexual orientation is called
a. outing
b. self-labeling
c. closeting
d. coming out

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following processes causes people to reveal themselves to their partners and may even lead them to learn about themselves?
a. appraisal
b. flirting
c. feedback
d. self-disclosure

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a behavior of sexually healthy adults?
a. respecting only those sexual orientations that one approves
b. enjoying sexual feelings by always acting on them
c. seeking prenatal care only if deemed extremely necessary
d. expressing love and intimacy in appropriate ways

0.75 points   


Part 2



  1. A pejorative term used to describe abnormal or excessive sexual desire in a woman is
a. satyriasis
b. psychosis
c. nymphomania
d. anodyspareunia

0.75 points   


  1. The key constitutional issue that enters the abortion debate is ________
a. the right to privacy
b. what is considered the point at which human life actually begins
c. whether the husband or the wife has the greater right to decide cases of abortion
d. the right of free speech

0.75 points   


  1. ________ is usually defined as the spontaneous expulsion of the fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy
a. A miscarriage
b. A stillbirth
c. Endometriosis
d. Preeclampsia

0.75 points   


  1. Traditionally, physicians calculate the first day of pregnancy as ________
a. the last day of the menstrual period plus 5 days
b. the date of last intercourse
c. the date of the beginning of the last menstrual period
d. 14 days after the previous menstrual period

0.75 points   


  1. Spermicides are available in all of the following forms EXCEPT ________
a. foam
b. gel
c. patch
d. film

0.75 points   


  1. Coitus is another name for
a. fellatio
b. cunnilingus
c. masturbation
d. sexual intercourse

0.75 points   


  1. Intrauterine devices (IUDs) work ________
a. by preventing sperm from entering the uterus
b. by releasing a spermicidal agent into the vagina
c. by expelling semen from the vagina
d. by thickening cervical mucus so implantation cannot take place

0.75 points   


  1. Scott is a gay man who cross-dresses to entertain. Scott could be called a
a. dominatrix
b. male impersonator
c. drag queen
d. faux queen

0.75 points   


  1. Select the correct paraphilia that corresponds with the following definitions.
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from receiving enemas
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from animals
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from contact with urine
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from contact with feces
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Exclusive attraction to body parts
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual activity with a corpse
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from inflicting physical or psychological harm, including humiliation, upon another person
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E.           F.           G.           H. Sexual pleasure derived from being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer
A. necrophilia
B. coprophilia
C. sexual masochism
D. zoophilia
E. klismaphilia
F. sexual sadism
G. urophilia
H. partialism

8 points   


  1. In the context of the development of the conceptus, the ________ serves as a biochemical barrier, allowing dissolved substances to pass to the fetus but blocking some kinds of viruses and bacteria from passing into the fetal circulatory system
a. placenta
b. endometrium
c. umbilical cord
d. fallopian tube

0.75 points   


  1. In the context of the development of the conceptus, the placenta is attached to the fetus by the ________
a. fallopian tube
b. umbilical cord
c. endometrium
d. cervix

0.75 points   


  1. Transvestism is distinct from transsexualism in that people with transvestism
a. usually have no desire to undergo a sex-change operation
b. tend to shun transsexuals
c. are in an early stage of transsexualism
d. are frequently diagnosed with gender dysphoria

0.75 points   


  1. If a woman misses one of her pills, she should ________
a. not worry about it
b. take two pills immediately to catch up and stay on schedule
c. take one as soon as she remembers and the next one on schedule
d. not have intercourse for 2 months

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following of the McCarthys’ sexual styles is considered to be the most predictable and stable style?
a. complementary
b. traditional
c. soulmate
d. emotionally expressive

0.75 points   


  1. All of the following are barrier methods of birth control EXCEPT ________
a. condoms
b. diaphragms
c. the sponge
d. the pill

0.75 points   


  1. How soon after unprotected intercourse should Plan B One-Step emergency contraception pill be administered for effectiveness?
a. 1 day
b. 2 days
c. 5 days
d. 1 week

0.75 points   


  1. Which is the correct sequence of development for a fertilized ovum?
a. zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus
b. blastocyst, zygote, fetus, embryo
c. zygote, blastocyst, fetus, embryo
d. blastocyst, zygote, embryo, fetus

0.75 points   


  1. Which of these is NOT a barrier method?
a. NuvaRing
b. the female condom
c. Today Sponge
d. the diaphragm

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of pedophiles?
a. They have recurrent, intense, and arousing sexual fantasies involving children
b. They are required to be over 16 years and at least 5 years older than the targeted child
c. They feel distressed about or act upon sexual fantasies involving children
d. They have sexual interests that are limited to little girls only

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following of the McCarthys’ sexual styles is considered to be the “perfect” style?
a. complementary
b. traditional
c. soulmate
d. emotionally expressive

0.75 points   


  1. A low-birth-weight infant usually weighs less than ________ pounds at birth
a. 3.75
b. 7
c. 5.5
d. 2

0.75 points   


  1. In the context of touching between couples, which of the following is true of kissing in a relationship?
a. The higher the frequency of kissing, the greater the relationship quality
b. The lower the frequency of kissing, the higher the frequency of sexual intercourse
c. The lower the frequency of kissing, the lower the drive for sexual arousal
d. The higher the frequency of kissing, the lower the relationship satisfaction

0.75 points   


  1. A person who enjoys all kinds of sexual expressions, has a positive attitude toward sexual activities, is comfortable talking about sex, and uses contraception responsibly would most likely
a. live by a variant sexual script
b. be very physically attractive
c. score high on a measure of erotophobia
d. score high on a measure of erotophilia

0.75 points   


  1. The ________ stage of labor is usually the longest
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

0.75 points   


  1. If a baby is healthy, the Apgar score will range ________
a. between 4 and 6
b. between 2 and 5
c. between 11 and 12
d. between 7 and 10

0.75 points   


  1. The first sign that a pregnant woman may miscarry is ________
a. a painful swelling of the breasts
b. severe nausea
c. vaginal bleeding
d. a softening of the uterus just above the cervix

0.75 points   


  1. After ovulation, an oocyte remains viable in the female body for ________
a. 72 hours
b. 30–48 hours
c. 12–24 hours
d. 6–10 hours

0.75 points   


  1. Barrier methods are primarily designed to ________
a. inhibit capacitation of the sperm
b. maintain regularity of menstrual cycles
c. keep sperm and egg from uniting
d. cause spontaneous abortion of the fertilized ovum

0.75 points   


  1. Tubal pregnancy is also known as ________ pregnancy
a. ectopic
b. endometrial
c. peripheral
d. fallopian

0.75 points   


  1. Once a woman stops taking the pill after childbirth, her menstrual cycle will usually resume ________
a. in about 1 year
b. within 2 months
c. within 2 days after taking the last pill
d. in 6 to 8 months

0.75 points   


  1. According to the Guttmacher Institute (2017), what percentage of unintended pregnancies were terminated by abortion in the United States?
a. about 10%
b. about 25%
c. about 40%
d. about 80%

0.75 points   


  1. The most common sexual objects of individuals diagnosed with pedophilic disorder are
a. prepubescent girls
b. prepubescent boys
c. postpubescent girls
d. postpubescent boys

0.75 points   


  1. Nausea and vomiting often occur during the ________ trimester
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

0.75 points   


  1. The combination of the calendar, cervical mucus, and the basal body methods is called the ________
a. barrier method
b. ovulation method
c. symptothermal method
d. rhythm method

0.75 points   


  1. After giving birth, a woman may experience a “fourth trimester” in which she undergoes physical stabilization and emotional adjustment. This period is called the ________
a. afterbirth readjustment period
b. recuperative moratorium
c. melancholic period
d. postpartum period

0.75 points   


  1. Most likely, a woman who desires to terminate her pregnancy at the eighth week will undergo a ________
a. colostomy
b. vacuum aspiration
c. dilation and evacuation
d. hysterectomy

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is usually done surgically for male sterilization?
a. The prostate gland is removed
b. The urethra is blocked and tied off
c. Each vas deferens is cut and tied
d. The epididymis is tied off

0.75 points   


  1. Stimulation of the anal region using the tongue is known as
a. analingus
b. anallatio
c. fellatio
d. colonelangus

0.75 points   


  1. Atypical sexual behavior is sometimes used as a synonym for
a. nonconsensual sex
b. compulsive sex
c. sexual variation
d. paraphilia

0.75 points   


  1. A condition of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and edema along with protein in the urine is ________
a. toxoplasmosis
b. erythroblastosis fetalis
c. gestational hypertension
d. ectopic pregnancy

0.75 points   


  1. At what point during the development of the conceptus is a healthy fetus typically able to survive outside the mother’s womb?
a. at 5 months
b. at 6 months
c. at 3 months
d. at 7 months

0.75 points   


  1. During tubal ligation, laparoscopy is used to make an incision ________
a. at the top of the pubic hairline
b. through the vagina
c. at the edge of the navel
d. 4 inches below the rib cage

0.75 points   


  1. Identify a true statement about autoerotic asphyxia
a. It links strangulation with masturbation
b. It is characterized by a sexual interest in feces
c. It involves becoming sexually aroused by receiving enemas
d. It is characterized by a sexual focus on prepubescent children

0.75 points   


  1. Gestation refers to ________
a. intercourse
b. ovulation
c. menstruation
d. pregnancy

0.75 points   


  1. Second-stage labor begins when ________
a. the placenta is discharged
b. the baby begins to breathe on its own
c. the mucous plug is expelled from the cervix
d. the baby’s head moves into the birth canal

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following are like plans that organize and direct one’s sexual behavior?
a. sexual rights
b. sexual scripts
c. sexual stereotypes
d. sexual posters

0.75 points   


  1. The amniocentesis procedure tests for ________
a. the position of the fetus
b. the stage of development of the fetus
c. fetal abnormalities
d. multiple fetuses

0.75 points   


  1. The pressing together of bodies with genital thrusting is called “dry humping” or
a. fondling
b. tribadism
c. groping
d. trephining

0.75 points   


  1. Although different oral contraceptives work in various ways, one thing they all have in common is ________
a. the formation of a barrier between the egg and the sperm
b. the prevention of the sperm’s entry into the uterus
c. the weakening and eventual destruction of the sperm
d. the creation of the same conditions as in pregnancy

0.75 points   


  1. Most sperm are viable in the female reproductive tract for ________
a. 72 hours
b. 12–48 hours
c. 6–12 hours
d. 4 hours

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is inserted into the vagina, must stay in place for at least 6 hours after the last intercourse, and can be worn for up to 48 hours?
a. a diaphragm
b. a sponge
c. a cervical cap
d. a female condom

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is primarily used to determine fetal age, position of the fetus and placenta, and possible developmental problems?
a. amniocentesis
b. alpha-fetoprotein test
c. chorionic villus sampling
d. ultrasound

0.75 points   


  1. Before lactation begins, a woman’s breast may secrete a yellowish liquid called ________, which is rich in protein and contains antibodies to help protect the baby from disease
a. cholesterol
b. colostrum
c. mammary exudate
d. pseudo-milk

0.75 points   


  1. Positive home pregnancy tests show if ________ is present
a. human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
b. oxytocin
c. alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
d. progestin

0.75 points   


  1. A method of contraception that inhibits the release of the oocyte from the ovary is the ________
a. hormonal method
b. barrier method
c. spermicide method
d. oogenic method

0.75 points   


  1. An Apgar score measures ________
a. reflexes, color, respiration, and eye movement
b. heart rate, blood pressure, and birth weight
c. red blood cell count, respiration, birth weight, and reflexes
d. heart rate, respiration, skin color, reflexes, and muscle tone

0.75 points   


  1. During the ________ trimester, a pregnant woman can feel the fetus move
a. first
b. second
c. third
d. fourth

Part 3


  1. Which of the following statements is true of AIDS?
a. If a person’s CD4 count is above 200, it means that he or she has AIDS
b. AIDS is inherited
c. If a person is tested HIV-positive, it means that he or she has AIDS
d. AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection

0.75 points   


  1. When vaginal pain is caused by menopause-related symptoms, a possible solution is _______
a. vaginal dilators
b. sex therapy
c. surgery
d. lubricants

0.75 points   


  1. According to the American Cancer Society, who should have a mammogram every year?
a. all women
b. women in their childbearing years
c. women over the age of 40
d. lesbian women

0.75 points   


  1. In the context of sexual transmission, unprotected anal intercourse is extremely risky for the transmission of HIV because
a. the existence of semen and feces within the rectum can help the virus develop
b. the virus can enter the stomach through the digestive system
c. the lining of the rectum is thin and may allow the virus to enter the body
d. antibodies present in the rectum fail to bind to antigens and inactivate them

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following racial and ethnic groups has been impacted most severely by HIV and AIDS?
a. Latinos
b. Asians
c. Whites
d. African Americans

0.75 points   


  1. In the context of breast cancer surgeries, the procedure in which a surgeon removes only the breast lump and some of the normal tissue around it is called a ________
a. lumpectomy
b. radical mastectomy
c. partial mastectomy
d. hysterectomy

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is true of testicular cancer in men?
a. The first sign is usually a painless lump or slight enlargement of the testicle
b. There is an increase in sensation, which is welcomed by many men
c. There is no definitive diagnostic test
d. The testicle is usually not the primary site for the cancer

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a character trait of most people with eating disorders?
a. extremely high self-esteem
b. positive perceptions of self in relation to others
c. unreasonable demands for self-control
d. imperfectionism

0.75 points   


  1. Compared to heterosexual women, which of the following is true of cancer among lesbian women?
a. They are generally less vulnerable to all kinds of cancer, especially breast cancer
b. They are at greater risk for breast cancer because of their lack of exposure to testosterone
c. Those with breast cancer are more likely to detect their cancer in the early stages of the disease
d. They get less routine health care, including breast and cervical cancer screening tests

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is true about HIV tests?
a. A negative test result does not necessarily mean that one does not have HIV
b. An HIV test needs to be performed only under the supervision of a physician
c. An HIV test is a way to find out if one’s partner is infected
d. A positive HIV test result means one is AIDS affected

0.75 points   


  1. Most people who have genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection _______
a. are males over the age of 40
b. have blisters on or around the genitals
c. have homosexual relations
d. do not know they have it

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following therapeutic methods for the treatment of sexual function difficulties involves focusing on touch and the giving and receiving of pleasure?
a. masturbatory play
b. sensate focus
c. pleasure focus
d. directed fantasy

0.75 points   


  1. Gonorrhea is also known as _______
a. “the pus flute”
b. “the clap”
c. “the dribble”
d. “the crabs”

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following does NOT have to be reported to the state health department in the United States?
a. gonorrhea
b. syphilis
c. chlamydia
d. genital herpes

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a symptom of all forms of hepatitis?
a. genital warts
b. watery discharge from the penis or vagina
c. jaundice
d. skin rash

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a treatment for people infected with HIV?
a. phototherapy
b. macrophagic cell enlargement therapy
c. antiretroviral therapy
d. xenotransplantation

0.75 points   


  1. Gonorrhea is treated through _______
a. cryosurgery
b. antibiotics
c. hot compresses
d. radiation therapy

0.75 points   


  1. About 79 million people in the United States are infected with ________, accounting for one-third of all new STIs
a. hepatitis virus
b. genital herpes virus
c. genital human papillomavirus (HPV)
d. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

0.75 points   


  1. What percentage of breast lumps are NOT cancerous?
a. 20–25 percent
b. 45–50 percent
c. 60–65 percent
d. 75–80 percent

0.75 points   


  1. Genital candidiasis is caused by an _______
a. overgrowth of a bacteria normally present in the vagina
b. infection of the endometrial tissue by a sexually transmitted virus
c. overgrowth of a fungus normally present in the vagina
d. infection of the liver by a sexually transmitted fungus

0.75 points   


  1. The second leading cause of cancer deaths in women is ________
a. cervical cancer
b. breast cancer
c. ovarian cancer
d. endometrial cancer

0.75 points   


  1. The first level in the PLISSIT model involves _______
a. giving limited information
b. making specific suggestions
c. undergoing intensive therapy
d. giving permission

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a way in which HIV can be transmitted?
a. through closed-mouth kissing
b. through sharing sex toys
c. through sharing plates and glasses
d. through hugging and shaking hands

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following constitutes a factor that increases the risk for breast cancer?
a. being physically very active
b. having dense breasts
c. multiple sexual partners
d. irregular menstrual periods

0.75 points   


  1. Of the following sexual behaviors which is considered to have the lowest risk of contracting HIV?
a. oral sex
b. heterosexual anal sex
c. vaginal sex
d. homosexual anal sex

0.75 points   


  1. Substances that purport to increase sexual desire or improve sexual function are known as _______
a. aphrodisiacs
b. potentiaters
c. stimulants
d. disinhibitors

0.75 points   


  1. The common term “yeast infection” refers to _______
a. scabies
b. trichomoniasis
c. bacterial vaginosis
d. genital candidiasis

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a sex-related problem for women with diabetes?
a. infertility
b. increased sexual interest and desire
c. vaginal dryness
d. absence of vaginal orgasm

0.75 points   


  1. The most prominent symptom of pubic lice infestation is _______
a. dry skin
b. shooting pain in the groin
c. intense itching
d. a rapidly spreading rash in the pubic area

0.75 points   


  1. After low sexual desire, the most common sexual dysfunction seen by sex therapists among females is _______
a. vaginismus
b. dyspareunia
c. female orgasmic disorder
d. sexual aversion disorder

0.75 points   


  1. The first symptom of syphilis is _______
a. rashes
b. ulcers in the endocrine glands
c. descending paralysis
d. the appearance of a chancre

0.75 points   


  1. The most common bacterial STI and most commonly reported bacterial infectious disease in the United States is _______
a. gonorrhea
b. syphilis
c. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
d. chlamydia

0.75 points   


  1. More than 95 percent of the time, uterine cancer involves the _______
a. cervix
b. endometrium
c. fundus
d. myometrium

0.75 points   


  1. The most reliable means of early detection of cervical cancer is the _______
a. Wasserman test
b. Pap test or Pap smear
c. cervical os test
d. cervical patency test

0.75 points   


  1. At first, AIDS within the United States seemed to be confined principally to three groups: gay men, Haitians, and people with
a. hemophilia
b. neurocognitive disorders
c. eating disorders
d. hemochromatosis

0.75 points   


  1. The sexual rights of people with disabilities include all of the following EXCEPT the right to _______
a. privacy
b. sexual expression
c. choose one’s marital status
d. free medical care and sex counseling

0.75 points   


  1. The process by which a person develops antibodies is called
a. anastalsis
b. seroconversion
c. insemination
d. opsonization

0.75 points   


  1. AIDS stands for
a. altered immune defense system
b. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
c. atypical immunodefense syndrome
d. asymptomatic immune disorder

0.75 points   


  1. Which one of the following is helpful in the treatment of early ejaculation?
a. the use of dilators
b. rear entry coitus
c. erotic fantasy
d. the squeeze technique

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a principal symptom of secondary syphilis?
a. an unusual discharge from the penis or vagina
b. a skin rash that neither itches nor hurts
c. a painless sore
d. swollen lymph nodes

0.75 points   


  1. Internalized homophobia can be defined as _______
a. a fear of emotional intimacy with the same sex
b. a fear of physical intimacy with the same sex
c. self-hatred because of one’s homosexuality
d. homosexuals’ hatred toward the opposite sex

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following factors is associated with male hypoactive sexual desire disorder?
a. alcohol use
b. high self-confidence
c. self-worship
d. anodyspareunia

0.75 points   


  1. Damage in the late stages of syphilis, if left untreated, can include _______
a. infertility
b. death
c. prostate cancer
d. genital cancers

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is the most difficult cancer to diagnose in women because there are no symptoms in the early stages?
a. breast cancer
b. vaginal cancer
c. cervical cancer
d. ovarian cancer

0.75 points   


  1. One of the reasons HIV is difficult to destroy once it has infected a person is
a. the virus has the tendency to mutate
b. the virus can thrive even outside the host
c. antibodies are attracted to GP 120 in HIV
d. the virus can propel itself independently in the host

0.75 points   


  1. In men, diabetes contributes to ________
a. difficulty in achieving an erection
b. sterility
c. increased sexual desire
d. development of the breasts

0.75 points   


  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is also known as _______
a. the clap
b. epididymitis
c. yeast infection
d. salpingitis

0.75 points   


  1. The number-one sexual function problem of American couples is _______
a. inhibited sexual desire
b. hypersexual disorder
c. substance-induced sexual dysfunction
d. orgasmic disorder

0.75 points   


  1. The term “frigid” has been replaced with the less prejudicial description _______
a. sensate deficit disorder
b. female sexual arousal disorder
c. female sexual dysphoria
d. arousal aversion disorder

0.75 points   


  1. A state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to sexuality is called _______
a. sexual constancy
b. sexual normality
c. sexual health
d. sexual orientation

0.75 points   


  1. Match each condition with it’s corresponding description
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. Modern term for impotence
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. pain due to muscle spasms around the vagina whenever vaginal penetration is attempted
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. severe curvature of the penis and pain during intercourse
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. pain experienced during anal intercourse
         –           A.           B.           C.           D.           E. prolonged and painful erections because blood is unable to drain from the penis
A. Peyronie’s disease
B. vaginismus
C. erectile disorder
D. anodyspareunia
E. priapism

5 points   


  1. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of untreated chlamydia?
a. epididymitis
b. infertility
c. acute arthritis
d. candidiasis

0.75 points   


  1. How did scientific awareness of HIV begin?
a. The United Nations alerted the world about an epidemic in developing countries
b. Gay men protested the lack of adequate funding for research on all sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
c. Physicians noted rare diseases in healthy young men in major U.S. cities
d. The same bacteria causing other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were found to have mutated into a new form

0.75 points   


  1. Due to the fact that chlamydia is often asymptomatic, health care professionals recommend that sexually active persons be checked for it every _______
a. 3 to 4 weeks
b. 3 to 6 months
c. year
d. 2 years

0.75 points   


  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is commonly associated with _______
a. chlamydia and gonorrhea
b. human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cystitis
c. candidiasis and herpes
d. pubic lice and scabies

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of prostate cancer?
a. a weak stream during urination
b. difficulty holding back urination
c. high blood pressure
d. continuing pain in the lower back

0.75 points   


  1. An inflammation of the cervix is called _______
a. cervicitis
b. cervical edema
c. pelvic inflammatory disease
d. genital candidiasis

0.75 points   


  1. The purpose of the Tuskegee syphilis study was to _______
a. create a syphilis epidemic and observe the rates of transmission among Blacks
b. determine if there were racial differences in the developmental course of syphilis
c. test new drugs in the treatment of syphilis
d. attempt to eradicate the disease

0.75 points   


  1. Cystitis is a(n) _______
a. bladder infection caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract
b. inflammation of the vaginal wall caused by vigorous sexual intercourse
c. vaginal infection caused by a sexually transmitted virus
d. inflammation of the cervix caused by irregular menstrual periods

0.75 points   


  1. Which of the following is a direct route of HIV transmission?
a. drinking
b. ingesting drugs
c. injecting drugs
d. smoking

0.75 points   


  1. The surgical removal of a woman’s uterus in order to treat some cancers or severe gynecological problems is called a _______
a. lumpectomy
b. partial mastectomy
c. hysterectomy
d. mastectomy

0.75 points   


Part 4.


  1. Which of the following hormones stimulates sperm production in the testes?
a. luteinizing hormone (LH)
b. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
c. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
d. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

0.5 points   


  1. When women do not menstruate for reasons other than aging, the condition is called
a. dysmenorrhea
b. menarche
c. menorrhagia
d. amenorrhea

0.5 points   


  1. According to Sigmund Freud, girls and boys develop feminine and masculine identities, respectively, when they
a. begin to desire their parent of the opposite sex
b. relinquish their desire for the other-sex parent and begin to identify with their same-sex parent
c. begin to express their libido in socially acceptable ways
d. reach the phallic stage of psychosexual development

0.5 points   


  1. The highly successful approach to treatment of sexual problems that was developed by Masters and Johnson was based on
a. behavioral therapy
b. sex education
c. drug therapy
d. Freudian therapy

0.5 points   


  1. The ________ encircles the urethra just below the urinary bladder and produces about 30% of the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm
a. seminal vesicles
b. prostate gland
c. epididymis
d. frenulum

0.5 points   


  1. The nineteenth-century Victorian Americans believed that
a. men had only reproductive desires
b. male sexuality was dangerous, uncontrolled, and animal-like
c. a man’s duty was to tame a woman’s sexual impulses
d. men had to teach their wives to enjoy sexual relations

0.5 points   


  1. The development of Kinsey’s Heterosexual-Homosexual Rating Scale was an attempt to
a. represent a proportion of an individual’s sexual behaviors with the same or other sex
b. evaluate the masculinity and femininity of Kinsey’s subjects
c. classify sexual behaviors in terms of their normality and abnormality
d. measure the frequency of autoerotic behavior among subjects of different ages

0.5 points   


  1. ________ is the hormone that triggers the development of secondary sex characteristics in men
a. Testosterone
b. Estrogen
c. Oxytocin
d. Relaxin

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following sexual behaviors is evaluated as harmful to oneself?
a. masturbating while watching one’s partner seductively undress
b. having sexual intercourse in an elevator
c. masturbatory asphyxia
d. voyeurism

0.5 points   


  1. Fertilization normally takes place in the
a. clitoris
b. crus
c. fallopian tube
d. vagina

0.5 points   


  1. Women’s rights, relationship status, and individual self-expression and autonomy were challenged during the ________
a. gender revolution
b. Victorian revolution
c. American revolution
d. sexual revolution

0.5 points   


  1. Franz is diagnosed with retrograde ejaculation. This means that
a. his sperm count is getting low and he may be infertile
b. he is unable to ejaculate during intercourse
c. he is unable to ejaculate and experience orgasm at the same time
d. his semen passes into his bladder rather than out of his urethral opening

0.5 points   


  1. Ovulation is the
a. sloughing off of the endometrium in the uterus
b. release of oocyte upon the rupturing of a Graafian follicle
c. production of milk by alveoli after childbirth
d. change of the vaginal environment by cervical secretions

0.5 points   


  1. A major reason for the lack of popularity of Freud’s theory of sexuality among American sex researchers is
a. the emphasis on unconscious forces such as libido
b. his overemphasis on adolescent and adult sexual expression
c. the fact that there were no empirical data to support his ideas
d. his view that excessive masturbation is the root of many personality problems

0.5 points   


  1. Normally, the amount of semen that is ejaculated at one time is about
a. 10 fluid ounces
b. 3 fluid ounces
c. 5 liters
d. 1 teaspoonful

0.5 points   


  1. The sole function of the clitoris is
a. sexual arousal
b. secretion of lubricants
c. urination
d. reproduction

0.5 points   


  1. Serious pain sufficient to limit a woman’s activities before or during the woman’s menstrual cycle is called
a. menorrhagia
b. dyspareunia
c. amenorrhea
d. dysmenorrhea

0.5 points   


  1. In ancient Greece, the male-male relationship was based on
a. strictly sexual exchanges of favors
b. the friendship of courtesans
c. love and reciprocity
d. power and companionship

0.5 points   


  1. A triangular area of sensitive skin that attaches the glans to the foreskin is called the
a. vas deferens
b. frenulum
c. perineum
d. crura

0.5 points   


  1. Stereotypical beliefs
a. are surprisingly flexible
b. are the same across different cultures
c. are based on religious beliefs
d. are resistant to change

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following is true of “two-spirits”?
a. They convey their gender through sexual practices
b. They are viewed as perverted and untrustworthy in the South Asian society
c. They were respected as fundamental components of the Native American cultures
d. The U.S. government and missionaries supported American Indian two-spirits

0.5 points   


  1. The sex researcher who wrote Psychopathia Sexualis was
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Havelock Ellis
c. Richard von Krafft-Ebing
d. Alfred Kinsey

0.5 points   


  1. Everyday exposure to sexual content in mainstream media often leads to:
a. increased levels of body dissatisfaction
b. a positive view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity
c. intolerance of sexual violence against women
d. withdrawal from sexist beliefs

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following is an outcome of the phallic stage of psychosexual development in which little girls sexually desire their fathers?
a. an Oedipal complex
b. an Electra complex
c. the anal phase
d. the latency phase

0.5 points   


Correctly label the female reproductive system: 6. 7. 8.

  1. 10.11. 12.
  2. 14.15. .

NOTE: #8, 10, and 12 are not part of the reproductive system.

5 points   


  1. In ancient Greece, the educated slaves who provided sexual pleasure to men were known as ________
a. shamans
b. muxas
c. hetaerae
d. hijra

0.5 points   


  1. In which culture is a young adolescent boy given instructions about how to please a girl and bring her to orgasm?
a. the Mangaia
b. the Dani
c. the ancient Greeks
d. the Victorians

0.5 points   


  1. The surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis is called
a. infibulation
b. circumcision
c. hysterectomy
d. vasectomy

0.5 points   


  1. The egg is viable for about ________ hours
a. 8
b. 24
c. 48
d. 72

0.5 points   


  1. According to psychologist Leonore Tiefer, which of the following statements is true of statistically “normal” behavior?
a. Behaviors that replicate successful personalities are abnormal
b. Behaviors that are similar to one’s own are considered normal
c. Behaviors that conform with religious teachings are normal
d. Behaviors that are not common are considered abnormal

0.5 points   


  1. It is believed that the purpose of the secretions of the Cowper’s glands is to
a. maintain the erection of the penis until ejaculation
b. buffer the acidic environment within the urethra
c. maintain optimal testosterone levels
d. help lubricate the shaft during masturbation

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following statements is true of sexual orientation?
a. It involves creating, sharing, and forwarding sexually suggestive images
b. It is a complex, multidimensional construct composed of sexual identity, attraction, and behavior
c. It is the set of roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women
d. It affects the potential for becoming sexually aroused and for engaging in sexual intercourse

0.5 points   


  1. Havelock Ellis viewed the so-called abnormal sexual behaviors as
a. the result of excessive autoeroticism
b. a result of moral degeneracy and inferior genetic inheritance
c. sexual instincts that have been repressed too long
d. exaggerations of normal sexual behavior

0.5 points   


  1. About ________ sperm arrive in the fallopian tubes after a single ejaculation during intercourse?
a. 1,000
b. 5,000
c. 50,000
d. 1.5 million

0.5 points   


  1. The most expansive nationally representative study of sexual and sexual-health behaviors, published in 2010, is called
a. the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
b. the National Sexual Health and Social Life Survey
c. the National Assessment of Adolescent Sexual Health and Behavior
d. the National Survey of Family Growth

0.5 points   



Correctly label the male reproductive system: 1.   2. SKIP  3. 

  1. 5. 6. 7.
  2. 9. 10. 11.  

NOTE: #2 and #9 are not part of the reproductive system

5 points   


  1. Which of the following male structures is homologous with the labia majora in females?
a. the scrotum
b. the glans penis
c. the corpus spongiosum
d. the penile shaft

0.5 points   


  1. According to Sigmund Freud, the fear that a phallic-stage boy feels because of his desires toward his mother leads to
a. neurosis
b. penis envy
c. a suppressed libido
d. castration anxiety

0.5 points   


  1. A girl’s first menstruation is known as ________.
a. menarche
b. menstrual synchrony
c. menopause
d. dysmenorrhea

0.5 points   


  1. Because human sexual activity has such diversity, most sex researchers have advocated that in place of such terms as normal/abnormal or natural/unnatural, we use the term
a. sexual deviancy
b. sexual variation
c. sexual morality
d. sexual anomaly

0.5 points   


  1. Why was the 1973 removal of homosexuality from the DSM-II (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) significant?
a. It meant that there was nothing wrong with homosexuality and there was no need for therapy to cure it
b. It supported the idea that homosexuality was due to poor parenting and, therefore, was not a choice made by individuals
c. It supported the theories of Ulrichs and Hirschfeld
d. It demonstrated that the life experiences and values of homosexuals were no different from those of heterosexuals

0.5 points   


  1. What does information about the ancient Grecians and the Sambians suggest about sexual orientation?
a. Exposure to, or participation in, same-sex sexual behavior at a young age determines a person’s sexual orientation for life
b. One’s attractions are biologically based
c. Culture can give same-sex sexual behavior very different social and personal significance
d. Some cultures encourage the development of transsexuals

0.5 points   


  1. How did Masters and Johnson collect data used to detail human sexual response?
a. oral interviews
b. written surveys
c. correlations
d. observation and direct measurement

0.5 points   


Correctly label the female reproductive system: 1. 2.  3.  4.  and 5. .

2.5 points   


  1. Which of the following is true about the hymen in a woman’s sexual anatomy?
a. If a woman’s hymen is no longer intact, then she is not a virgin
b. The reason women with intact hymens cannot use a tampon is that there is no opening in the hymen
c. The only true test of virginity can be performed by looking at a woman’s cervix
d. The hymen can rupture by something that does not involve sexual behavior

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following statements is true according to Magnus Hirschfeld’s research findings about homosexuality?
a. Homosexual men have a distinctive feminine quality
b. Homosexuality is the result of the hormonal development of inborn traits
c. Homosexuality is influenced by cultural and religious teachings
d. Homosexual men and heterosexual men are similar in personality characteristics

0.5 points   


  1. The corpus spongiosum
a. secretes a thick, clear, alkaline mucus just prior to ejaculation
b. fills with blood during arousal and causes an erection
c. nourishes and transports the mature sperm
d. aids in the production of sperm and hormones

0.5 points   



Correctly label the male reproductive system: 12.  13.  

  1. 15.  16. 17.
  2. 19.

NOTE: #12 is not part of the reproductive system

4 points   


  1. Which of the following is a suggestion made by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) with regard to viewing television and music videos?
a. Children must avoid viewing news broadcast as it contains political propaganda
b. Parents must teach young people to balance media use with other healthy behaviors
c. Schools must discourage children from viewing music videos
d. Parents must ensure that children below the age of 5 are exposed to cartoons

0.5 points   


  1. Which statement best reflects the views of Havelock Ellis regarding the nature of female sexuality?
a. Women are naturally asexual, and if they are interested in sex, it is merely as a way to achieve pregnancy
b. Women’s animal lusts cause men to lose control and engage in intercourse to the point of weakness and illness
c. Women have sexual desires no less intense than those of men
d. Women experience themselves as anatomically defective without a penis and compensate for it by devoting themselves to their husband and children

0.5 points   


  1. According to Mangaia of Polynesia culture, if a woman is not sexually satisfied by her male partner, which of the following is a likely consequence?
a. The woman learns to be content with her partner’s skills
b. The woman leaves her partner and ruins his reputation
c. The woman has an extramarital affair
d. The woman helps her partner improve his lovemaking skills

0.5 points   


  1. The position of most major mental health organizations regarding “reparative” therapy for homosexuality is that it should
a. be initiated whenever consent is given by the individual
b. not be done
c. always be attempted
d. be undertaken for gay men but not lesbian women

0.5 points   


  1. Ethnocentrism is reinforced by
a. government-sponsored research
b. the objective study of other cultures
c. the globalization efforts of countries
d. opinions, biases, and stereotypes about other cultures

0.5 points   


  1. Why was the research of Evelyn Hooker important?
She demonstrated that women reached orgasms primarily through stimulation of the clitoris
She emphasized the need for more research on the sexual behavior of ethnic minority groups
She showed that gay men could not be distinguished from heterosexual men on the basis of personality characteristics
She analyzed the power aspect of relationships between the sexes

0.5 points   


  1. In which of the following cultures is sex considered relatively unimportant?
a. the Mangaia
b. the Dani
c. the Sambia
d. the Victorians

0.5 points   


  1. The terms “homosexuality” and “heterosexuality” were coined by
a. Evelyn Hooker
b. Magnus Hirschfeld
c. K. H. Ulrichs
d. Karl Maria Kertbeny

0.5 points   


  1. Spermatogenesis takes place within the
a. scrotum
b. crura
c. seminiferous tubules
d. vas deferens

0.5 points   


  1. An egocentric fallacy is the mistaken belief that
a. one’s sexual behavior is superior to others
b. one’s intellectual ability is superior to others
c. one’s own values are held by others
d. one’s values are mostly disagreed with by others

0.5 points   


  1. In which culture do mothers and fathers go through 5 years of sexual abstinence after the birth of a child?
a. the Mangaia
b. the Dani
c. the Greeks
d. the Sambians

0.5 points   


  1. During sexual arousal, a small amount of moisture is secreted at the vaginal opening by the ________ glands
a. Bartholin’s
b. Cowper’s
c. pubic sweat
d. Bentham’s

0.5 points   


  1. Which governmental regulation of sexual material on the Internet was declared a violation of freedom of speech?
a. The Defense of Marriage Act
b. The Communications Decency Act
c. The Comstock Act
d. The Limited Free Speech Amendment

0.5 points   


  1. What led to the loss of dignity and place in society of two-spirit people among the Native Americans?
a. The Native Americans disliked these individuals as they often expressed their gender through their sexual practices.
b. European colonization and persecution by the church to eradicate these individuals resulted in the two-spirit community being viewed as perverted, untraditional, and untrustworthy.
c. The French took over the Native Americans to specifically target homosexuals and two-spirit people because they functioned against the laws of nature.
d. The Russian invasion aimed to bring about a religious reformation of the Native Americans, and all those who opposed this change were persecuted.

0.5 points   


  1. According to the declaration of sexual rights, forced sterilization is illegal as it violates


a. the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its application
b. the right to participation in public and political life
c. the right to the highest attainable standard of health, including sexual health, with the possibility of pleasurable, satisfying, and safe sexual experiences
d. the right to be free from torture and cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment

0.5 points   


  1. Who among the following believes that women have no sexual desire, only reproductive desire, but men have insatiable sexual appetites?
a. the Mangaia of Polynesia
b. the Dani from New Guinea
c. African Asians
d. Victorian Americans

0.5 points   


  1. Which of the following statements was one of William Masters and Virginia Johnson’s research findings?
a. Clitoral orgasm is physically and psychologically inferior to vaginal orgasms
b. Male and female sexual responses are very similar
c. Unlike women, men experience orgasm during masturbation
d. Women experience orgasm primarily through vaginal stimulation

0.5 points   


  1. The menstrual phase is characterized by the shedding of
a. nerve tissue
b. epithelial tissue
c. endometrial tissue
d. connective tissue

0.5 points   


  1. The expression “blue balls” refers to
a. sexually insatiable men
b. penises wounded during intromission
c. depression or “blues” that can occur after having rough sexual intercourse
d. discomfort in the testes from intense sexual arousal without ejaculation

0.5 points   


  1. According to Sigmund Freud, the part of the body upon which eroticism is focused during the first stage of psychosexual development is the
a. abdomen
b. genitals
c. anus
d. mouth

0.5 points   


  1. Normal sexual behavior is that which
a. reflects the average or median behavior of a group
b. is supported by religious teachings
c. reflects the preferences of those of high status in a society
d. leads to successful reproduction

0.5 points   


  1. One of the most important findings in Kinsey’s work was that
a. children had sexual thoughts and experiences
b. a vast majority of women masturbated several times a day
c. there was extraordinary diversity in sexual behavior
d. few people understood or used contraceptive devices

0.5 points   


  1. In order for an embryo to develop male genitals, the embryo must
a. receive hormonal and genetic signals
b. have a slightly longer gestation period
c. have a shorter gestation period
d. first produce sperm

0.5 points