Annotated bibliography
This annotated bibliography is for the following class: Sexuality – Power and Pleasure.
Choose ONE topic in the list (if you want to pick another topic, it has to do with sexuality, power, or pleasure)
a) the social construction of sex and sexuality
b) the social construction of heterosexuality
c) sex, power, and social regulation
d) sex and pleasure
e) sex and sexual identities
f) racialized sexualities
g) mediated sexuality and pornography
h) sex and religion
i) “prostitution” and sex work
j) the politics of sex education
k) male or female gaze – a focus on the media
An approximately two-page annotated bibliography (single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, APA style for citations and references). Name, student number, course code, section
number, Instructor’s name, and assignment title required on a cover page.
This assignment is designed to lead into and prepare you for your final essay.
Your topic choice is up to you, but it must fall within the confines of this course. In short, choose a topic related to sexuality, power, and pleasure and research your choice.
Your bibliography should list five (or more) properly referenced academic sources (APA style) a maximum of two of which can be course readings. At least one source must be a course reading.
At least three must be researched outside the course readings (PURELY ACADEMIC SOURCES).
Additional sources can be academic or not but must still be properly formatted in APA style. You are encouraged to choose sources from different disciplines so as ensure a diversity of perspectives in your research.
Each source must include a four-to-five sentence annotation (single-spaced) explaining what the source is, what it demonstrates, argues, or represents, and why you are considering using it for your essay.
If the source is not an academic source, your annotation needs to make that clear.
If choosing a specific media product as an object of study (i.e. a film, TV show, video game, social media platform, etc.) it must also be referenced in APA style and annotated.