Bad diets

Health Disparities in the United States

After listening to the NPR podcast on bad diets and health, reflect on your own eating habits and what you would like to change or what did you already change due to health concerns or environmental concerns, or otherwise. What are some barriers (if you have any) for you to eating healthier? Barriers can include cost of certain foods, access to healthy food, and time constraints, as some examples. It can also include social barriers; when your family and friends eat a certain way, it can be difficult to make changes to one’s diet if it differs from those around you.

Listen to this link:


Other sources:

Social Determinants of Health: Food Insecurity in the United States :: Altarum – Healthcare Value Hub

Food Insecurity And Health Outcomes | Health Affairs

(Hint): Growing up from other country like Philippines, I don’t have a good diet, we eat basically what we can afford. Although we have farms, we grow our own vegetables and corn, it isn’t enough to sustain the whole year. We buy canned goods or foods high in preservatives which can be affordable often compared to other healthy goods in the market.Plus then lack of electricity in some area exacerbates the problem besides the financial barrier.

Since I moved to the US, its has changed a bit bec. I have children and I wanted to be a good model however sometime because of financial or cravings I buy fast foods. (lol) I can definitely afford a healthy foods, but it is honestly expensive still.

Besides the financial, where we live matters.