Data analytics and Decision Making

Assessment Item 2:

-Title: Action Learning Project (Case Study)
-Length: 2500-3500 words.
-Group or Individual: Group
-Description: Boeing Versus Airbus Market Outlook 2019-38
-How Students will be Assessed: As per the Grading Criteria Sheet on the LMS
-Boeing Versus Airbus Market Outlook 2019-38

Read the below reports:

Write your report by addressing the below points:
1) Compare specific data analyses on similar data in the two reports that contradict each other/ are least supportive of each other.
2) Which analysis in your view is most crucial for Boeing as well as Airbus to secure a larger market share?
3) Identify segments in both the reports that could be improvised further by including additional data analysis/ modelling of some sort.

Use the references from the links and the materials attached.