Annotated bibliography

Choose ONE of the following topics:
• Women in Computing
• Computing Graduate Employability
• Soft Skills for Computing Graduates
• The Digital Skills of Computing Graduates

Create a DESCRIPTIVE annotated bibliography which presents FIVE (5) pieces of academic research related to the chosen topic, each entry should use the following format:
-Reference in Harvard format
-Intended audience
-Main content and arguments presented in the work.
-The research methods employed (if used)
-The author’s conclusions

Your annotated bibliography will therefore consist of the following:
-Entry 1 – presented using the format above
-Entry 2 – presented using the format above
-Entry 3 – presented using the format above
-Entry 4 – presented using the format above
-Entry 5 – presented using the format above

Each entry should be a maximum of 100 words, with an overall word count of 500 words.