One Way ANOVA Assignment


1) Download the “ANOVADataSet” .SAV file from D2L

2) Open up SPSS and open the .SAV file you just downloaded

3) Either from memory or using the PPT slides + Field textbook, complete the steps of hypothesis testing for the data file
a. Research Question: Insert ANOVA question here?

4) Your assignment submission is a Word document that includes the following:

a. Only the output tables that shows the “ANOVA” results and the “Multiple Comparisons” results
b. Answer the following questions briefly (1-2 sentences max each)

i. Describe each group’s general performance in the test using descriptive statistics – do not make difference claims here, this is reporting of descriptive data, just share with us the summarized results
ii. What is the actual F-statistic you will report for this analysis with regards to the overall results?

iii. What is the p-value of the overall results?

iv. What is the p-value with regards to each of the group comparisons?

v. Write up a one-paragraph simple interpretation that summarizes the findings

5) Submit the Word document including your answers to (a) and (b: i-v) to Dropbox by the deadline