Module 7 A&S Question

In this activity, you will take your learning to the next level by applying and synthesizing (A&S) concepts explored in this module.


Choose one question option (1 or 2) to answer. Place your chosen question and the formulated answer* within a separate document.  Integrate information from the module lessons to develop and support your answers.

Your answer will be scored on completeness, correctness, clarity, and conciseness, and the degree of synthesis and application of the related concepts, not on how many words they contain. More is not necessarily better! This is NOT an essay assignment.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

This activity is due by the last day of the module.
Read through all sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.

Question Option 1
Discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using composite material for a specific aircraft component, connecting the properties of composite materials to the functional requirements of the component.

Hint: Answering this requires a thorough review of “Polymers and Composites” in the Module 7 Lesson.

Question Option 2
Choose a specific metal alloy (aluminum or otherwise) used in the construction of aircraft components, and identify one particular aircraft component that contains this alloy. Connect the properties of the alloy to the functional requirements of the component to justify the use of the alloy for this particular aircraft component.

Hint: Answering this requires a thorough review of “Aluminum, Alloys, and Corrosion” in the Module 7 Lesson.