Historical and Philosophical Education

There are four prompt options for your initial thread. Read all four-thread options, select one prompt that is most applicable to you and respond. Ensure your thread fully answers and explains the one prompt you selected.

Thread Options:

1. Do you think schools should emphasize that truth and values are certain, as in the case of idealists and realists, or that truths and values are probabilities, as asserted by pragmatists? Explain your answer.
2. Do you think American schools have been influenced more by essentialism or by progressivism? Support your answer with examples and evidence.
3. Which education theory is most evident in your current teacher preparation program? Support your answer with examples and evidence.
4. Do you agree with the realists’ argument that conceptual knowledge of subjects such as language, history, mathematics, science, literature, and art is needed to make rational choices or with the pragmatist contention that the most important decisions are made by solving problems? Explain your answer.