Buffer Overflow
Part 2: Buffer Overflow [30 points]
Question 1: Draw and explain a function stack . Be sure to communicate what is happening and what will happen when the strcpy occurs. Use the following C code to depict the stack/heap like the slides 15 in the buffer overflow teaching materials. [20 point]
int main () //think of main like P { int returnedvalue.
/* In C, a function can return values */
/* Now you are passing a string into buffered */
/* the function buffered returns a value */
returnedvalue = buffered (“12345678910”);
/* think of bof as Q; don’t forget your parameters */
return 0;
int buffered (char *str)
{ char mybuffer [10]; strcpy (mybuffer, str); return 1; }
Question 2: Is this following code segment safe? Explain why or why not? [10 points]
/* Assume this function can be called from a C program */ int bof (char *str, int size) {char *buffer = (char *) malloc (size); strcpy (buffer, str); return 1;}
Notes: malloc is a C library function that allocates space of a specific size