
For this assignment, you will focus on pulling various elements of a strategic business plan together in a cohesive way that you may hypothetically present to executives in a healthcare organization. Identify a real or hypothetical healthcare organization that you will either create a brand new strategic business plan, or revise an existing business plan. Provide a clear description of the business in your presentation.

Chapter 25 in your reading provides a good outline for what needs to be included in the strategic business plan. Although your focus will be on the financial plan, you’ll also be pulling information from past coursework related to organization structure and marketing. You may select to present your budgets from week 5 to contribute to your plan.
The business plan is already been written and attached. Go through all of the exhibits in chapter 25 and add anything that’s not already included in the business plan. An operational budget has also been completed and attached for your use if you need it.

Use a bullet point format to address all of the points in the exhibits. There is no need for any APA format since this will be orally presented. AS long as the information is clear, feel free to format any way you need to.