One Hundred Demons and Killing and Dying

Many of the stories in One Hundred Demons and Killing and Dying could be read as stories about how families help–or fail to help–their members “survive love and loss.” The main characters in Shoplifters are people who live in the same house and form something like a family, even though they are not related by blood. One could say that these characters are brought together by loss. How do these characters’ formation of a family help–or fail to help–them survive the losses they have suffered? Do the characters form bonds of love with each other? If so, how? If not, what gets in the way of their developing such bonds?

Respond to the prompt above in two to three paragraphs (a short essay of 200-250 words) that support a thesis. Since this is a short essay, I recommend you focus on one or two characters in Shoplifters.

The thesis should be focused, dialogic, and relevant.
Focused: your thesis should be clear and specific.
Dialogic: your thesis should be non-obvious and worth discussing.
Relevant: your readers should care about your thesis.
Your thesis should be supported by observations and inferences based on the texts (which includes a film, in this case).
Link to SHOPLIFTERS film –