Castles and Faith: Architecture in the Middle Ages

Research the Internet to find out about the development of the castle as a fortress and residence in the Middle Ages. The following website, which discusses the development of castles in the UK, provides a good starting point for your research and will give you an overview of how castle architecture evolved over time from relatively simple designs to very sophisticated structures. Although the examples are from the UK, the architectural developments shown reflect general trends that also took place throughout most of medieval Europe.

You can widen your search using terms like “motte and bailey castles”, “ringwork castles”, “concentric castles”, “Edwardian Castles”, to gain a more in depth understanding of castles.

Consider also the magnificent monastic fortresses at Mont St. Michel off the coast of Normandy and that at St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall.

How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction and what intellectual and spiritual roles do they serve?