Improving quality and safety in a global context

Compose a 2000-word essay to address assignment requirements for the Introduction, Section 1, Section2 and Conclusion as set out below. Be aware that there is a 10%-word allowance – meaning you may write up to 2200 words.

Introduction (150 words)
Whilst maintaining confidentiality, briefly describe a patient/service user. This can be someone you have cared for in a clinical environment, or someone who is known to you, e.g., a family member or a friend. Explain why they have received or are receiving care and what their current health issues are.

Section 1 (1000 words)
Identify one health inequality which is relevant to the patient/service user described in your introduction. Critically discuss the impact of this health inequality on the health or wellbeing of this patient/service user. Select one policy and explain how nurses could use this policy to ensure delivery of high quality and safe nursing care.

To answer this section successfully you must:
Identify and explain one health inequality which relates to the patient/service user described in your introduction.

Critically discuss the impact of this health inequality on the health or wellbeing of this patient/service user. Use research to support discussion.

Identify one policy and explain how this could be used to support the provision of high quality and/or safe care for the patient/service user described in your introduction.

Links where you can access National UK health and social care policies include:policy – Search
– GOV.UK (
, policy – Search – GOV.UK ( and NHS commissioning » Commissioning policies (

Section 2 (700 words)
Identify one self-management initiative for the patient/service user described in your introduction and critically discuss how this initiative could support behaviour change. Explain which ethical
principle motivated the selected self-management initiative.

To answer this section successfully you must:
Recommend one self-management initiative for your patient/service-user.
Examples of self-management initiatives covered on the module include personalised care and support planning, social prescribing, shared decision making and personal health budgets and integrated personal commissioning.
Explain which one of these ethical principles 1) Beneficence, 2) Non-maleficence, 3) Autonomy or 4) Justice motivated the selected self-management initiative.

Critically discuss how this self-management initiative could support behaviour change and improve the patient/service user’s health and/or wellbeing.

Conclusion (150 words)
Conclude the essay by connecting key discussions from your assignment to one or more United Nation’s (2015) Sustainable Development Goal(s).