Correlation Assignment


  • Download the “RelationshipDataForClass” .SAV file from D2L
  • Open up SPSS and open the .SAV file you just downloaded
  • Either from memory or using the PPT slides + Field textbook, complete the steps of hypothesis testing for the data file
    1. Research Question: Is there a relationship between student score on the local mathematics exam and their performance on the state mathematics exam?
  • Your assignment submission is a Word document that includes the following:
    1. Just the output table that shows the “Correlations” results
    2. Answer the following questions briefly (1-2 sentences max each)
      1. Does this analysis violate the assumption of linearity? How do you know?
      2. What is the actual r-statistic you will report for this analysis with regards to the following specific relationships (loctest & stexam)?
  • What is the p-value with regards to each of the r-statistics reported in 4-b-ii?
  1. Write up a one-paragraph simple interpretation that summarizes the findings
  • Submit the Word document including your answers to (a) and (b: i-v) to Dropbox by the deadline