This report must be a minimum of 12 to 15 double-spaced MS Word formatted file plus exhibits, related documentation (e.g., tables, charts, reports, etc.), and at least four appropriate supporting references. It should include a cover sheet, abstract or executive summary of around two hundred (200) words, content, and reference page. The written 3-Portfolio Case Project Written Report will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

-Cover sheet
-Table of Contents
-Abstract or Executive Summary

Part I: Portfolio Construction and Management– Data Collection State the objectives for the construction and management of each of the three (3) portfolios.
1. This includes your policy statement (why were certain stocks purchased), strategy, asset allocation, and industry analysis.
2. Implementation and application of specific and well-articulated portfolio management strategies; portfolio design, security selection criterion, initial and final Portfolio value.
3. Show a time series record including, price, value, cash, return, cumulative wealth, and profit and loss table with discussion.

Part II: 3-Portfolio Case Evaluation and Assessment

Data analysis and Critical Thinking for each of the three (3) portfolios

1. Compare P1 to P2 to P3. Which portfolio made the most profit or had the greatest losses?

2. Complete the following analyses of P1, P2, and P3.

  • A. Return of investment
  • B. Expected rate of return
  • C. Variance
  • D. Standard deviation
  • E. Risk return analysis

3. Compare the returns (or losses) of P1, P2, and P3 to:

  • A. The S & P 500
  • B. Dow Jones Industrial Averages
  • C. Russell 2000.

4. Use the Sharpe and Traynor formulas to evaluate P1, P2, and P3

Part III: Quantitative Analysis and Critical Thinking – Summarization
1. Accurate computation of statistics, use of quantitative methods, utilizing professional analyses and critical thinking; when comparing and contrasting the 3-portfolios.
A. Active versus passive portfolio management
B. Strategic versus tactical asset allocation
C. Observations of the 3-Portfolio Case Study

Reference Page: Include your research sources and significance of research information and data, use of APA citations and URL links