EDCI- Week 2

These are two assignments. This is the first part. Make sure that you work on both assignments together. I also included an assignment that was completed for you to refer to when working on these two assignments. I need two references.

This assignment is 1 page
Week 2 – Goal Analysis • Subordinate and Entry Skills

This week, we continue our journey exploring the Dick & Carey model. The components that we will examine include: “Conducting a Goal Analysis” and “Identifying Subordinate Skills and Entry Skills.”
Also, this week, you will be thinking about the steps and skills that learners need to take in order to accomplish learning goals. You will also have an opportunity to reflect on your learning experiences and the importance of developing a goal analysis diagram.

After completing this week, you should be able to:
• Explore the steps needed to conduct goal analysis.
• Create a goal analysis diagram.
• Evaluate learning domains for instructional goals.
Reading and Resources
Dick, W., Carey, L., & Carey, J. (2015). The Systematic Design of Instruction (8th ed.). Pearson.
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4

Over the course of this week, you will be responsible for completing a set of Readings and a series of Online Activities. Make sure you see the assignments outlined below and follow the directions provided.
Complete the Week 2 activities and assignments in the order listed below.
1. Watch Chapter 3 Video Chapter 3 Video (06:44) – Summer 2022 EDCI 57200-011 DIS (brightspace.com)
2. Watch Chapter 4 Video Chapter 4 Video (08:07) – Summer 2022 EDCI 57200-011 DIS (brightspace.com)
3. Participate in the Week 2 Discussion: Goal and Main Step Analysis
4. Submit Design Document Part 1

While your Design Document Projects and the Final Projects will be individual submissions, you will be working with an assigned group to provide and receive peer feedback on your work PRIOR to submission. This promotes two very important skills in IDers: (1) Collaboration and (2) Resistance to Procrastination.
The components that you submit for these discussions will not be the full individual assignment, but they will provide for you an opportunity to work systematically on the task while receiving ‘just in time’ feedback on components that may need additional clarification or analysis. In other words, your peer group will help each other to create the best work for final submission. Specific directions will be provided.
These groups, as listed, will remain constant throughout our course.
Group 1: insert group names
Group 2: insert group names
Group 3: insert group names
Group 4: insert group names
Goal and Main Step Analysis:

By Wednesday, midnight EST upload to your assigned group’s thread an original post that includes the following:
1. Goal for your Final Project
2. Listing of Main Steps Leading to the Goal
3. Diagram including Goal and Main Steps

For this task, look carefully at:
• The parts of a “Complete Goal Statement” found on page 27 of the text
• The example and revision found in Figure 3.5 and 3.6 on Page 55 of the text
• The blank example on the bottom of Page 70.
• Student Examples of DD1 posted (you’ll only need to look at the Goal Statement)
*For this discussion post, you do NOT need to submit Subordinate or Entry Skills.

ASSIGNMENT 2 This paper is 2 pages
A Design Document is a blueprint for the learning design and development process. This document functions as a checklist of all of the components and milestones for building a learning module. Every instructional design department or group has their own design document that is relevant to their industry, school, or methodology. In this class, the design document has been divided into three sections to coincide with specific components of the Dick & Carey Model. Each section of the design document that you submit (Part 1, 2, & 3) will build upon each other and relate directly to the completed final project.
Connection to the Dick & Carey Model: Design Document Part 1 covers the first 4 chapters of the book, looking at setting instructional goals, identifying subordinate skills, and evaluating entry skills.
Design Document Part 1: Required Elements (Please make a heading for each element in your document. Also, submit your Design Document Part 1 in MS Word format (e.g., .doc or .docx).)
1. Project Overview
• Inclusion of Gap Analysis Diagram
• Identification of approach/es used to identify the goal

2. Identification of your Instructional Goal
• Inclusion of four required elements

3. Creation of a Goal Analysis Diagram including:
• Main Steps in the Goal
• Subordinate Skills
• Entry Skills (minimum of 1)

4. IDer Reflection
• Address all prompts

Be sure to review the following examples:
• Example DD1—-Orndorf
• Example DD1—-Pike
• Example DD1—Hilpipre
• Example DD1—Sajdera
• Example DD1—-Rodriguez Does NOT include Reflection
• Example DD1—Morris Does Not Include Reflection

Understanding the Role of the Design Document in EDCI 572 A Design Document is a blueprint for the learning design and development process. This document functions as a checklist of all of the components and milestones for building an learning module. Every instructional design department or group has their own design document that is relevant to their industry, school, or methodology. In this class, the design document has been divided into three sections to coincide with specific components of the Dick & Carey Model.
Each section of the design document that you submit (Part 1, 2, & 3) will build upon each other and relate directly to the completed final project. Connection to the Dick & Carey Model: Design Document Part 1 covers the first 4 chapters of the book, looking at setting instructional goals, identifying subordinate skills, and evaluating entry skills. Design Document Part 1: Required Elements (Make a heading for each element in your document.)
1. Project Overview o Inclusion of Gap Analysis Diagram o Identification of approach used to identify the goal
2. Identification of your Instructional Goal o Inclusion of four required elements
3. Creation of a Goal Analysis Diagram including: o Main Steps in the Goal o Subordinate Skills o Entry Skills (minimum of 1
4. IDer Reflection o Address all prompts Required Elements Defined: 1. Project Overview NOTE: Within our course, we have taken the liberty to determine that the development of a learning module (digital or face-to-face) is the best strategy to address the identified gap.

“Learning Module” will EDCI 572 Design Document Part 1 2 be the term used to represent the development of the final project; this could take the form of a traditional face-to-face workshop, eLearning tutorial, pathway, etc. This section will introduce your project.
Your introduction should include:

• a general overview of the topic of your learning module

• the specific type of approach (SME, Content Outline, Administrative Mandate, or Performance Technology) that led to the identification of the goal

  • o Select the approach that is the best fit (there may overlap)
  • o See page 16 of the text for more detail. • identification of the need (gap) through the inclusion of a Gap Analysis Diagram
  • o See page 23 of the text for more detail.
  • o The “need” can be general in this diagram—later to be turned into a goal.
  • o An example: 2. Identification of your Instructional Goal This section should include a specific instructional goal.

• Be sure that this goal statement includes the four required elements (see page 27 of the text for more information):

  • o The learners o What learners will be able to do in the Performance Context
  • o The Performance Context in which the skills will be applied
  • o The tools that will be available to the learners in the Performance Context 3.

Creation of a Goal Analysis Diagram The focus of this section is to clarify the specific Instructional Goal by completing a Goal Analysis. This will require to identify and analyze the specific performances/behaviors associated with your Instructional Goal and delineate the following within a DIAGRAM: a. Main Steps in the Goal b. Subordinate Skills c. Entry Skills (minimum of 1) EDCI 572 Design Document Part 1 3

You are required to create a Diagram (flow chart) to clarify this analysis. Be sure to examine the sample goal analyses provided in the chapter—keeping the diagram simple will aid in the overall organization. If necessary, this diagram can be posted to Blackboard as a separate file. 4. IDer Reflection In this section, please provide a written reflection upon ALL of the following prompts:

  • So far on this project, what has gone well?
  • So far on this project, what has been a challenge?
  • Describe what you learned from the peer feedback process? Which suggestions were you able to implement? Which suggestions did you decide not to address? Why did you make that choice?