Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans- EU’s approach to cyber diplomacy in the region

ABSTRACT : This dissertation thesis is intended to analyse cybersecurity policy gaps in the Balkans and possible cooperation opportunities with the European Union. As cyber domain knows no borders, several security challenges have the urge to be treated with consideration in the development countries, which lack capacities and resources to enhance initiatives on their own. Therefore, it will be outlined that to achieve a global strengthening of the international policy environment there must be taken several strategic steps by each state. The study will contain a short overview of the existing security measures in this region and in Europe in order to emphasize what mechanisms are still lacking and need further attention. It will start by depicting a general national legislative overview of the state of play in the Western Balkan countries with regards to the EU acquis and to the relevant international law in effect.

On the other side, it will be examined what are the conditions of the EU’s cyber diplomacy toolbox and its strategical challenges. The complexity of cyberspace and WB’s proximity to Europe actually might provide an excellent background for future cooperation. But what is at stake and are there limits or risks for the region? Do this support instruments contribute to Western Balkans interests?

Establishing the right mechanisms and diplomacy communication canals with the European Union could be crucial to develop and strengthen regional capacities. Indeed, a better use of the EU funds and exploitation of other EU opportunities from the Western Balkans is a predictable recommendation for the future of this region. In the end, the conclusion in point of fact will consist of where this diplomatic dialogue could lead and what are the possible next steps and approaches of the European policymakers.