Midterm- challenges that faced the people of the (primarily) British colonies in North America as they struggled to define themselves

The exam consists of one essay. It’s cumulative, which means it covers all course material through the week of the exam.

The essay answer should be 800 words or longer. In the essay, you will be expected to refer significantly to the primary source readings assigned for the class (i.e., the original documents from the eras we’ve studied.

NOTE: The textbook, Module/Unit slides, documentaries/films, and any modern summaries/explanation pieces do NOT count as primary sources, but you are welcome to use them).

The exam covers all reading/viewing assignments through this week.

You should limit your time on the exam to an hour and thirty minutes or less, all in one sitting. This is honor system-enforced! If you have been cleared to take extra time by me/DSPS, you are of course welcome to use that time if you need it.

Make sure that your answers are well-organized, address all aspects of the prompts, and exhibit good grammar and spelling. Perfection is not expected, as this is a timed test, but do make an effort to create essays that are legible and easy to read. Please use a readable font and double-space!

You may use your course textbook, the primary source texts/your study questions, and class lectures to help you with the test (basically, anything I’ve assigned to you or provided). You may not use any other sources. You may not use Google or Google image search or any similar tool to help you with the exam.

You may not work with other students on this exam. There is to be NO exam-related interaction of any kind with others at any time during the time that the exam is active.

Nation-building is complicated business, and the United States broke new ground in establishing an independent democratic republic back in the later 18th century. Using our primary source readings and specific historical examples, explain the various challenges that faced the people of the (primarily) British colonies in North America as they struggled to define themselves, considered independence, declared and fought for independence from Great Britain, and then set about creating a set of national civic institutions and processes to match their evolving civic values.

Don’t forget to address native people and people of color, as well as European emigres of multiple nationalities, to the Americas. You can use non-English colonies as examples, but remember that you are going to be focusing the majority of your discussion on the primary source documents assigned.

Use at LEAST four primary source readings in your answer (the textbook doesn’t count as a primary source). Remember to significantly analyze these sources in your own words.