Corporate Sustainability -Risk Management

In this course project, you will select a specific company and research their sustainability practices and risks.

In Part One, using publicly available information from and about the company, you will identify and categorize their sustainability risks.

In Part Two, you will identify any voluntary regulations to which the company adheres then communicate to stakeholders about the risks you identified in Part One.

In Part Three, you will identify two sustainability initiatives for your selected company and provide your reasoning behind choosing them along with steps that will need to be taken for implementation.

Except as indicated, use this document to record all your project work and responses to any questions. At a minimum, you will need to turn in a digital copy of this document to your facilitator as part of your project completion. You may also have additional supporting documents that you will need to submit. Your facilitator will provide feedback to help you work through your findings.

Note: Though your work will only be seen by those grading the course and will not be used or shared outside the course, you should take care to obscure any information you feel might be of a sensitive or confidential nature.