Semester project summary

Healthcare Informatics Summer 2022

6. You are going to prepare your presentation based on the monthly average for daily new cases/100K for each state. The following four data categories should appear on separate slides in your team presentation:
Green Threshold: <= 10 daily new cases per 100,000 people

Indicates: close to containment

Yellow Threshold: 1150 daily new cases per 100,000 people

Indicates: community spread

Orange Threshold: 51100 daily new cases per 100,000 people

Indicates: escalating community spread

Red Threshold: >= 101 daily new cases per 100,000 people

Indicates: unchecked community spread

Each slide must include the following information:
A map of the United States showing the states included in the data category

A legend with the data category color, threshold definition, and indicates definition

A data summary with the lowest, most often occurring (i.e., mode), and largest number of cases
You may add additional information so long as doesn’t make your slides too busy. When you present though, you’re going to need to describe the information in the slides.

7. A final slide in the presentation should include at least three questions that your team would like to further investigate based on your analysis and presentation of the data (e.g., why are rural states experiencing unchecked community spread?).

8. Here is some general guidance for presentation slides. Make sure your slides are easy to read. La Salle University Mathematics and Computer Science Department
CSC 154 Healthcare Informatics Summer 2022

9. Your team will decide how you will present the slides. Ive given you data and Id like to get knowledge and wisdom back from the presentation. By turning the raw data into map charts youve created information. The presentation should transform the information into knowledge and wisdom.
Some questions to think about are:

What data are we presenting?

Is the data accurate, complete, and incontext, ie trusted data?

What does the data mean and what does it tell us?

Is there additional context to make the data more meaningful?

o What was happening in the month XXX 2022 during the pandemic?

o What about prior months?

o What about outside the U.S.?

What message does this presentation intend to deliver and how does the data support it?

Is there a pattern to the data you want to point out?

Do you need to use the optional slide to address any of these questions or will you just talk about it when presenting?

Do you need to add summary information?

What do you want your audience to take away from the presentation?

As a team you need to consider these and other questions you may come up with.

10. Your team must participate in at least one review cycle of your PowerPoint presentation with me. This review must be completed before the end of Week 5 of classes. That is, before 5:00 PM on

11. Your project team will determine how the data will be analyzed and verified, and how the presentation will be developed and delivered. Your team will have 15 minutes to delivery its presentation, and 15 minutes to answer questions. Each team member should be prepared to answer questions about the presentation, as well as the following:
How did you decided to organize, communicate, and work as a team?

How did you measure and manage progress (i.e., individual progress, team progress)?

What challenges were encountered and how were challenges overcome by the team?

12. Your team will need to schedule a Zoom meeting with me by email to make your presentation. This meeting must be completed during Week 7 of classes. I am flexible on the time since I am not working outside this class. Afternoons or evenings are preferred. Your presentation must be complete before 5:00 PM on Friday July 8, 2022.

13. One team member will submit the final version of the team presentation on Canvas as an MS PowerPoint document by the due date (July 1).