Research Report

Write a proposal that analyzes the causes of a particular problem in your community, workplace, or field of study (your major) and then offers a solution that a person or group in power might consider implementing. In other words, the solution has to be realistic and viable. The audience for this proposal is the person or group who has the power to say “yes” to your proposal and put it into action.

**You can also use the topic that you used for your Instructions; doing so will give you the advantage of having already worked with the topic as well as putting you one step ahead with the Research Report.**

You don’t need to be the person who implements the plan, but you will provide the detailed plan of work for those who will implement your ideas.

Your Proposal must contain the following sections:

Introduction (should include all movements listed in your text)
Body (includes the following):

  • Current Situation
  • Project Plan
  • Qualifications
  • Costs and Benefits
  • Conclusion

Works Cited and in-text citations in MLA format (if you’ve done research and used any outside sources)

Your Proposal must also contain:

-Graphics that support the text
-Graphics that are appropriately labeled and referenced in the text
-Pages designed using the principles of design